Thet really need to add tattoo’s to girls


I know I’m late to the party, but I 100% agree with you. Yes, I get it LL is the new “thing.” But it just feels like INK is going to be left behind sort of like how Classic was. The thing is, INK is a very popular style that most prefer. I’ve tried to write in LL, it’s not a bad style. But as a new author, my first style was and is INK. There’s just waaaayyyyy more going on for LL. If INK does die, though, hopefully there will be many more improvements for LL.


I’ll be brutally honest.

INK primarily is the style mostly everyone loves and writes in. I’ve heard before, we can only expect new clothes to be made, and that INK will not have requested animations as much. We kind of have to accept that INK will be left and completed soon enough. We can’t have the style being updated forever. Eventually, there will be a new style, then Limelight is gonna die out just like INK. We have to be prepared. Personally, I hope for more INK things, but we can’t expect what we want from the style.


It’s a shame, but I started a petition on the old forums to try to save INK. It resulted in being told that they will soon be putting an end to INK updates. They’re currently supposed to only be adding the clothes and animations that were previously exclusive to featured stories.

I’m still not happy until there are the same number of fairy wings for men as women and there’s a walk_angry animation personally.


Agree, you see how we are forced to use LL in the new Dirty Dancing contest? Although I am not entering you must be writing in Limelight.

I do not think this is fair at all tbh.


That may not necessarily be Episodes choice, Lions Gate could have said they only want the newest style to represent the story. Lions Gate will have a lot of control over this contest as the Dirty Dancing name and assets are so valuable. I obviously don’t know that for certain, but I’m sure the winning story will also have to get a pass by Lions Gate too, aswell as the other winners.


Okays thanks

Good Idea!

agree but does episode read this.

I agree with this. I feel forced, I absolutely love the theme of this contest but I don’t think I can write anything. Even the past contest like H&V, LL got some superhero outfits and INK authors were left off, again…



Yes. Please. :+1:

I agree 100% and MORE classic too!!!
The bottom line is that episode needs to update all styles equally.



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I agree i will never write in ll untill they sort out the nen i write mafia storys and men are to pretty for my liking they need face hair
I am ink all the way but we are not getting updates we have been left behind now



I totally agree with you! I find it hard to believe that the technology couldn’t have been developed in the same artistic style as Ink. Or enhance ink in some way? There is such a huge artistic difference in Ink and LL. And surely it would have been easier to develop a 2D flat character then a more 3 dimentional looking LL character.

I don’t think I will ever be sold on LL - I find it jarring and uncomfortable to watch.


Agree, INK is the best!


Hey, I was just wondering, does people in episodes use Limelight characters more now? or Ink?

I use both.
But I use ink more because I like it better, and it’s my favorite style.