Please help me , with rotating an overlay

so I want my overlay to rotate in Stefans hand but the overlay rotates far from Stefans HAND!That’s what i type;
@STEFAN is talk_food_hand_angry
@zoom reset
&overlay BLUE_LIGHT_SHINING create
@overlay 5574470533906432_BLUE_LIGHT_SHINING shifts to -38 240
@overlay 5574470533906432_BLUE_LIGHT_SHINING scales to 0.877 0.877
@overlay BLUE_LIGHT_SHINING opacity 0.5 in 1.0
@overlay BLUE_LIGHT_SHINING opacity 1 in 0.5
@overlay BLUE_LIGHT_SHINING opacity 0.5 in 1.0
@overlay BLUE_LIGHT_SHINING opacity 1 in 0.5
@overlay BLUE_LIGHT_SHINING shifts to -38 240
@overlay BLUE_LIGHT_SHINIG rotates 360 anchor point 0.5 0.5 in 2

Maybe cause at the end you wrote
@overlay BLUE_LIGHT_SHINIG rotates 360 anchor point 0.5 0.5 in 2
and not SHINING

Or you should add at this…

in zone and add it again before

Because it may possible to change the coordinates after the rotate.