Plsss helppp I need help with my car overlay

Pls I need help to make my car face properly
I’m tryna get it to look like this

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can you send your script?

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Use stop directing to turn it the right way around


here is my script
EXT. BRICK MANSION - DAY with SILVER SMALL to 0.872 -758 -48
@ARABELLA spot 0.832 173 177 AND ARABELLA faces left AND PRINCESS MEGHAN spot 1.032 -306 -85 AND PRINCESS MEGHAN faces right
@pause for a beat
&PRINCESS MEGHAN walks to spot 1.032 106 -85 in 3.0 AND PRINCESS MEGHAN does it while idle

@overlay SILVER SMALL shifts to -342 -48 in 3.0
@overlay SILVER SMALL rotates 360 anchor point 0.5 0.5 in 1
@overlay SILVER SMALL scales to -1.0 1.0
@pause for 500

@ARABELLA walks to spot 0.832 -60 189 in 2.0
@pause for a beat
@ARABELLA spot 1.033 -88 -82
@ARABELLA walks to spot 1.033 15 -94 AND ARABELLA faces right AND ARABELLA does it while idle
@pause for a beat
&PRINCESS MEGHAN walks to spot 1.032 776 -94 in 2.0 AND PRINCESS MEGHAN does it while idle_stemware_worried_loop
&ARABELLA walks to spot 1.033 678 -94 in 2.0 AND ARABELLA does it while idle_sad_serious_loop
@overlay SILVER SMALL shifts to 325 -48 in 2.0
Here’s my car overlay

I’ve been trying that :pensive:

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u neeed to use a different car to make it face the right way. The car that you are using, is facing the front.

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okay but is there a way i can also having my car facing front

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Are u trying to make the car come out of the gate? or the car outside of the gate faces right way.

yes what do i do if i want it to come out of the gate

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Okay, place your front view car overlay in the center of the gate, and make it small. then copy and paste your code in the script, then move your car towards the scene and make your car a bit bigger then put how many time the car will move. Do you want me to do it for you?

Yes please because i am confuse, and also give me your ig so i can credit you

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Alright. My Ig is @lanafrazer.episode. I will message you the preivew of how it looks.

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thank you :grin:

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what is your instagram?

just follwed you on IG

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Okay, give me a few minutes.

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And Please help me with the script

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Yes, im trying to message you but cant, accept my follow.