POC Problems in the episode community

Oh did I give you articles doing that? It’s funny, because there’s no evidence you’ve opened any but one

I’m sensitive when you make it personal - because I don’t start with the whole making it personal thing. If you want to not get a reaction from sane people, why don’t you try getting rid of your attitude and saying “I disagree and this is why” without being rude? :thinking:

It’s classic evidence of confirmation bias. Instead Of being polite about disagreeing, you have to be rude about it - because other opinions threaten you.

Stay on the topic.

In many stories or American movies, I saw people saying “Oh he went to Africa.” or "I went to Africa with my family. “Because she’s from Africa.”

Africa is not a country. They should be more specific about the country they went.

What do you think ?


I DMed you so we don’t turn this into an argument thread. I’m still not seeing where on this thread I was being rude to you first. Please respond to the dm

I dislike that! Even in one of my favourite book series - professional - they’ll say “ireland Is a cradle of magic… so if Africa”

So wait… a little island and a whole CONTINENT are just as important as one another to you? :thinking:

And f the whole of Africa has magic in it, why don’t all sorcerers move there so they have more space?

I could see were culture appreciation is a starting point in the episode community. Where do you draw the line? When culture appreciation turns into appropriation in our community.


Hmm… I don’t see it as much of a problem. I actually think a lack of education is the real problem


Correct me if I’m wrong/out of my lane, but I think one problem I’ve noticed a lot is that when PoC bring up issues that affect them directly, people are quick to invalidate their concerns and accuse them of being “overly dramatic”, “too aggressive”, or “rude” when they try to explain their viewpoints, no matter how delicately. And of course, it’s hard to be polite when people are making it a point to not listen to you and forcing you to defend your own humanity and life experiences. This happens with just about any marginalized group, but it’s especially noticeable in the case of racism due to how quick people are to attack anyone who tries to explain concepts like cultural appropriation.


I think that’s true of POC who don’t really agree with the norm too. They’re silenced by other POC and told that they’re wrong or too influenced by white culture to know what they’re talking about


That’s why education are important.

Here’s a post a wrote a while ago, when the “African village” background was fresh new, on my personal account.

Even if I tell you, y’all don’t believe what kind of DM I received.

Let me tell you what I think straight away of your “African Village day”
In french we call these houses “cases” like “kaz” in “kazekage”.
There a lot of these villages around the BLACK AFRICA coutries.
I am not ashamed of it, it’s part of my culture and my history, I even went to one when I was young, It’s not the problem.
Maybe there is no problems. Maybe I am the problem. Because I am full of question.
So right now my question is, how come we have the “Beijing street, (or market I don’t remember right now)” and “Tokyo Street” and this backgrounds have no place name ? Like is in Kenya, or Zambia ?
I have the answer, it’s because there no need because WE will decide of where it takes place, so it’s not a problem. True that. But now I have another question.
Why does the media (and Episode, apparently) decide to show the “cases” side and only the “cases” side ? I asked for diversity so you gave me this ? Well I will used it, cause I think I need it for one of my story, thank you. But it hurts me so well because it’s remind me of horrible memories.
In middle school, the hum, teacher ? Is it teacher for middle school too ? Idk. Anyway we were talking about our Birthday and shit and, just like that, my white stupid teacher asked me to in front of the class, to talk about my birth. I said I was born in a hospital in Paris, I don’t see the big deal, then she asked about my parents, I said they were born in the same hospital in Ivoiry Coast, but not the same year.
The whole class was shocked because they didn’t know there was hospitals in Africa. Wow. Ok. And the teacher kept pushing me for more informations like “'YES THAT WAS SO COOL BECAUSE SIMBA SING A DISNEY SONG FOR MY GRANDMA AND THEN 3 MONKEYS WERE TWERKING WITH THE DOCT- I MEAN THE WITCH TO HELP HER TO STAY CALM”
The Episode readers are most 13-17, and I really hope they know that there CITIES, BULDING, SHOPS RESTAURANTS etc in “Africa”. And I hope they know that Africa is not a country. And, I hope they can name many. Because in the middle school, my classmates were clueless


I was younger 🤷🏾.

But my point was and is still WE HAVE TO COMMUNICATE.

We can’t do shit if we don’t listen each other’s feelings and ideas.


It’s hard to communicate when you’re being accused of starting drama and someone gets the thread closed.


It’s hard but not impossible.

Try again.

There’s a lot of poeple willing to learn.

Look at this thread, 2 people thanked us because they didn’t know about braids history.

It’s a little victory. We are getting somewhere.


Yes, this is exactly the problem


Exactly! The thing is about learning, though, is that it’s much more about getting to understand the learner and teaching from their terms

I grew up with a lot of charities on the TV asking for money. So for my entire childhood I was told Africa was a poor continent. I want to thank you guys for enlightening me and showing me that Africa is still a continent like any other one. Just it bit more unique. And I like it for that.:grinning:


The best way for non poc to help in this situation. Is to hear what poc have to say and communicate with other non poc. It’s disappointing to correct someone about your culture and they felt uncomfortable and start attacking to the point of no resolution. Yes, it will make some uncomfortable but some have to remember that poc live with these issues.


Media aee worst, honestly.

If you wanr To learn more about a culture, ask the right person and discuss about all the things concerned.

There are so many racism, everywhere, that finding the truth is very hard.

Thanks for listening to us.


I grew up with those same commercials!