POC Problems in the episode community

Lol what the hell? Suddenly black people don’t take “personal responsibility” and talk about shit you don’t think needs to be talked about? Lol this is coming from the same person who compared slavery to the holocaust and made it out to seem like black people should get over it because it happened over 300 years ago. Ok.


Lol. That wasn’t a rant. I’ve ranted before. Believe me, you would know when I rant. That’s just facts. Same old song and dance, as I’ve said before. And I mean… If I was bothered, oh well I guess? I’ll live lololol. I don’t get bothered by that particular question and answer.

There are others, though. Like what happened on Israeli Independence Day on these forums… I was big mad that day. Huge difference ^^’

“Cultural appropriation” is not the main “struggle” black people complain about. People can talk about multiple different things while focusing on real-life struggles they personally go through everyday. A reminder


Mmhmm… I didn’t say that, my friend. I understand why you think I said that, but I didn’t. I was pointing oitba common hypocrisy. When Jews bring up the holocaust, it is “how’s that relevant”. But black people can talk about slavery all day every day and everyone else better shut up? I was angry at that hypocrisy. Nothing more.


I wouldn’t even bother with these two. They pull this crap all the time and are just feeling rather bold right now. Notice how I’m not even having a serious conversation with them. Let them barf their bigotry all over the place so people can see them for what they are. They think it’s cute.


If you say so


The holocaust literally was NOT relevant to the topic at all. The topic of conversation was whether the cultural assets could be used in a variety of cultures. Not the holocaust.

That’s like me bringing up slavery when people are discussing whether or not vikings could use the cornrowed hairstyles too.



We’re supposed to get over slavery when there’s a constant reminder of it in school 24/7?

I have to laugh!


When you have no valid arguments, it’s the best approach. I totally support you.


You’re absolutely reaching. Like I said, the holocaust was NOT related to whether the cultural assets could be used for a variety of different cultures (which was LITERALLY already confirmed).

I am awaiting for you to let me know where the correlation is between the two conversations. I still haven’t found it.


Also would like to mention that most of the people saying it wasn’t relevant to the topic weren’t even black…Lol

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Because when Bantu knots and braids exist, "wypipo better not use these because these are OURS. White people have been oppressing us since… " that conversation that comes up…? You haven’t seen that in our culture before?

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But like I said, carry on, Candace. Enjoy yourself.

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That’s the problem though, the topic of conversation was already set to discuss about cultural APPROPRIATION & the oppression of black cultural hairstyles. Not whether vikings could use the hairstyles too, because hey! They wore dreaded & braided hairstyles too!

The debate was whether other cultures could use some of the headwraps as well. Bringing up the holocaust adds absolutely no significance to your argument what so ever.


Lol :joy: your faith is child-like and therefore impressive.

Goodnight. :us::us::us:

That literally makes no sense…


Awwww, my friend :hugs: I’ll be sure to pass the message on. I support our soldiers because all the men in our family served. I didn’t personally because I’m a weak little artist lol ^^’ but thank you and God Bless :kissing_closed_eyes::two_hearts:


Thank you!

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