POC Problems in the episode community

Then there’s the colourism that some South-East Asian girls in particular are subject to - this idea of being fair is beautiful and if you are dark you are considered unattractive. Oh, and heaven forbid if there is an interracial marriage/relationship - times are changing but some older people of a community have a hell of a lot to say about some mixed race kids as well.


I think the problem is that in POC communities, people have become so defensive that they fail to see the issues within their own communities… and try to invalidate experiences that go against the norm. I don’t blame anyone for that! It’s completely human… but it is definitely something that needs to be combatted

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Very true! Although part of me is inclined to say that comes from a very Victorian idea of “pale skin means you’re upper class because you don’t have to do manual labour outside and tan” thing as well as colonialism


And I think instead of point the problem or saying they are like this and they are like that, we should focus on communication with everyone and start thinking of how we can improve our situation.


Yeah! Although that’s difficult when people are saying “no. I’m not racist to you. I’m not in a position of privilege”

Yeah, my dad told me about this. I was getting really worked up and he had a similar explanation, it is colonialism at play. He read a book from probably the early 1900s or mid to late 1800s mentioning how white colonisers had come to India and were described to be from Heaven.

Also, the colourism is extremely problematic because it is so swept under the rug. For God’s sake, as a baby, an aunt said “it’s so unfortunate - she is not only a girl but she is black too.” My close friend goes to a beauty parlour to get brows done, etc., she overheard this lady showing pictures of her nieces to a beautician and just said “yeah, she is really fair - isn’t that great?” Also, she gets offered a whitening treatment every time she goes -_-

It’s so damn stupid, I have lost count of how many gorgeous people there are out there whose melanin are poppinggg! Also, why should skin colour have to be taken into account for beauty? Beauty is so much more than that!


It is important to note, though, that the Indian Subcontinent as a whole has been incredibly class-based for centuries… even before the colonisers came and stirred things up even more! And weirdly, upper class south Asians have always had lighter skin… for ages!

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I haven’t stumbled across an explanation as to why. Just evidence that pale skin has always been a desired thing… just not as much

Ah yes, there was the caste system!

That’s actually part of the reason why the south Asians were so enamoured by the whites people… WOW SO PALE… “like milk”, as my nan likes to say :joy:

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It’s pretty strange to wrap my hear around tbh - this idea of how much melanin you have affected your stature in society.

It’s beautiful, isn’t it? I don’t know when a tan stopped being a sign of lower classes and started just being hated though. That’s where things get extra icky and sad

It is a shame, for sure. I am that person who gets really happy I tan :joy: especially when I have sandal straps :joy:

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Thank god its definitely changed! Thanks to white people actually xD globalisation meant getting a tan became the sign of higher class - it meant that you could afford to go on holiday

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Ah haha, thanks white people XD

Please stay on topic.

I’ll say this: appropriation is a stepping-stone to cohesion. We can use it to our advantage in the community.

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With culture and POC in episode as well I have been fortunate to see some really diverse stories but they are not too popular. I like it when writers have little readermessages or narration bubbles explaining certain aspects of a character’s culture as well - it’s a realy nice thing to see.


Are you a writer yourself ?

If yes, what’s your story is about ?

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I’ll PM you what it is about as I am worried it may go off-topic :heart: