POC Problems in the episode community

Then let’s say…:thinking:

I really want to see more diversity in Episode stories but it should not be forced. Or should be wanted.

However, when I told an author that I customized the skin of my MC but my parents were still white, and she said “pretend you’re adopted”, I lost it.

Then don’t bother to customize. 🤷🏾

Put only white people and say that you see your characters that way, that’s it.



OMG THEY SAID WHAT? :joy::joy::sob:

CC is a great opportunity to personalise your character but if for instance, a family is featured in the story - I would argue maybe check out a few tutorials on how to change the family features too as well as lip colour to suit skin tone so the family look like an actual family.


Preach !

I am the incarnation of being lazy, so if I let the reader Customize the MC, I will just use the same template to met them customize your parents, that’s it.

It’s even better, because if you’re mixed you can adapt and everything.


I’m an idiot. The princess in my story has 6 siblings and her parents. That was hell :roll_eyes:


Preach to you too!

I am lazy af - I would do the same thing too and that is very true regarding the parents customisation.

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AND she’s supposed to look like her mother :sob::sob::sob::sob:

I think episode should make an easy direction to make all of your family members have the same skin colour… and not have ashy lips. That would help with making POC feel more included


I agree completely - that will be a massive step forward as well as saving writers and readers the grief of ashy lips, it is so hard to take characters seriously when that is the case.

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Something like

Match @MC skincolour to @family member


Definitely true! Although it will incentivise people if it’s easier

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I think people would feel more inclined to not cop out if the coding wasn’t so long and confusing

That way, there’s much less of an excuse - if the coding takes up a few lines then it is not exactly something energy consuming so some writers would be able to enhance the reading experience that way.


I mean it seems so minor to some people but actually quite a few stories I am dark-skinned whereas my family are white just feels plain strange or when they have blush lips. Sometimes it just feels a bit odd but I appreciate how hard coding can be. However, as suggested a match code would be a life saver.

It’s a huge problem! It is so jarring that it makes it really difficult to focus on the actual story! At least for me…


I feel that way too, and as readers & users of Episode I hope we are being taken into account here.


Africa is a really beautiful place. I am a Kenyan and I live in Kenya and I can tell you there are places where you’d think you’re not in Africa (for those who know nothing about Africa). I love it because it is not all urbanized, but it is urbanized. And I love most of our traditions (I am specifically, a Luo person in Kenya. I cannot begin to break down the many different cultures and tribes we have in our country. Even among Luos, practises are different in different regions). We had timeless that knowldege our ancestors knew without being labelled “physics” or “chemistry” or “geography” because they are things that were practised by our ancestors and always worked for them and us.

I hate the generalization because in the Kenyan education system, you get to learn about Kenya, Africa and the world. I can point out where different continents are and I can differentiate between cities, states, countries, mornarchs, etc. This is how much we learn in Kenya. We learn about how Netherlands reclaimed sea land, how amsterdam became industrialized, how they grow wheat in Manitoba in Canada, Geographical regions like the Grand canyon, Niagara falls, table mountains in South Africa, rivers and lakes of the world, we literaly die learning so much that we won’t even ever get to visit some or any of these places at the end of the day. If it’s not history, it’s geography. And to get countries that are the so called super powers, where the citizens don’t even know even a single city or country in Africa, with all the resources they are gloating about, is a mess. In Kenya, most people speak at least 2 languages. I speak 4 languages. We have so much diversity and knowledge that we frequently get underlooked. And to think people think we are dumb because some Africans can’t speak English with a British or American accent? Wow! I cannot begin to explain how much knowledge and wonder Africa as a continent has. I may not know the most about Africa; If I started learning I wouldn’t even get halfway before dying. But the basics are always important. That little differentiation between countries, cities or continents can make a huge difference. And these are some of the reasons why many people out here think Americans are dumb.

Maybe they need to change their education system, to teach people about the world and not just what is happening in their state or school. Africa is rich. And I don’t think many people understand that, including some Africans.


How beautifully put.


Hasa !

You could just do

@family member becomes MC

Then add commands to change their hair or nose or eye color (depending on what you want different)

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