[POLL]Help to know whether this idea is interesting or not!

Thanks a lot for all the opinions! I don’t know if I will keep the main topic or change it. It will depend on my own motivation. But anyway thanks!

  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

Last question, which genre is the best? Action, adventure or fantasy? In my opinion this fits better in adventure but who knows :sweat_smile:

  • Action
  • Adventure
  • Fantasy

0 voters

Thanks to everyone who read this and decided to help me! Here is a beautiful heart for a beautiful person, which means YOU , :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart:


OMG that is one of the best ideas I’ve ever heard!!! If you need any help I would be glad to help and PLEASE send me a message when or if you are going to publish it! :heart_eyes::cupid:

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Oh my god! You’re so sweet ! :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: I was quite scared that people would feel uncomfortable because they would read as a malicious person you know? Knowing you are so willingly to read this really made my day :sparkling_heart: I’ll surely send you a dm to talk with you if you’d like! :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart:

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Thank you!!! I’m really excited! :star_struck::cupid::sparkling_heart:

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OMG i always wanted to play asi evil (heh my character will be evil too🖤) i love your idea and i can’t wait

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Thank you so much sweetheart ! :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart: I’m glad u liked it! :star_struck:

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I am excited :star_struck::star_struck:

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Please Tag me for this!!!

I have no idea whether or not you may have had a similar idea, however I have never ever heard about this idea nor read any story related with a character who will not change and that is malicious and will try making people to trust her/him in order to achieve her/his evilness objective .

I have had this idea completely on my own while I was in shower.
That’s why I do not know why should I tag u for this?
Is there any story u wrote similar? If so tell me so I can understand how many similiarities it has and make sure it looks completely different from yours do not worry
I have not nor ever will have the intention in stealing or anything, if I truly had the idea towards u I would have tagged u 100%

But since that is not the case I will not do that. I have no idea about what u write nor anything i will look at your stories right now (i will try to find them since the app isnt showing the authors) and solve this completely, if u truly have a story like this tell me.

So I have searched for you in episode and I saw that u have 3 stories published if I’m correct @Batman54

  1. What waits in the dark (Summary: Strange Visions, demon attack, and a whole lot of terror? Are you ready for the road of hell?)
  2. “K&T”: Kissing Santa Claus (Summary : All Noel wants for christmas is to have her father back. Will a kiss from Santa Claus be what she needs? Or will it backfire?)
  3. This story will be turned into something… RIP informational Story
    Is this correct?

So I believe the one that can be most similar is the nr 1 right?
So I am 100% sure it is completely different. I only have wizards, the angels and that stuff in my story are metaphors the angels simbolize a divine power that exits protecting one specific town. Which will be the one the MC must take control. Your mc is mean , malicious and has evil objectives. The story doesn«t focus hell nor anything, It is a normal story with adventure and a few powers,
I will not have like visions nor any terror in it. I want to show how easily people get betrayed and lied and how easily they fall for tricks not real feelings and words. My character(main) will “invade”
passively the village pretending to be a nice person and will need to gain their trust so at the end she can take complete control over the world and then hell will happen but that’s the end I will not show like horror nor anyuthing in the dark nor anything similar.
Give me a min. I will read it(your story), and If I really see similarities I will be the first to say so however I am almost 100% sure it has nothing to do with me. The only similar thing may be the evilness but like… what story doesn’t have good and bad things? I do not believe that’s any main objective.
Ofc I can’t be saying all that’s gonna happen in my story but I will fight for my idea and to make sure everyone specially you understand this was not taken by anyone’s idea. I do not do that, and if I had an inspiration in your story I would have said so.

I just wanted to be tagged on the forums when you released it because I wanted to read your story. I didn’t mean to imply you had copied me, I just wanted to be notified about your story. I thought your story idea was great! And I am truly excited to read it. Your idea is completely original and so cool I am head over heels excited. I’m sorry for any confusion, and want to clarify that your story is completely seperate from mine, and I would just like to be told when your story is released because I would be the first one to read as your idea is fantastic. When you release please ‘tag me’ using @Batman54, so I know when it is out and I can give it a read! lol :blush:

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Ohhh I am so sorry I misunderstood! XD I am truly truly sorry!
I didn’t want any conflicts so when i thought that could be the case I wanted to clarify everything I am so sorry for not understand it correctly XD I was already stressing out like I don’t like problems and that stuff ya know?

:heart_eyes: Thank you so much for your kind words and to want to be notified about the story I am truly grateful :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart:

You know what? All this misunderstanding lead me to your stories so I gotta read them! XD Probably I will read the nr1 bc is the one I am more into! And now I can truly enjoy it :star_struck: :heart_eyes: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Oh no problem lol :rofl: I just have one question… what does nr1 mean? :rofl: :sweat_smile:

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Sorry I am quite lazy sometimes XD
Nr 1 is your story : What awaits in the dark.
I called it nr 1 bc when I was telling all your stories that one was the nr 1 :joy: :joy: :joy: :star_struck: :star_struck: :star_struck:

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Oh okay, I’m gonna sound like a dum dum, but what does nr stand for? :sweat_smile: I’m not super savvy when it comes to this kind of stuff

It’s okay! Nr means number( is an abreviation)!
:joy: :joy:

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Oh my gosh that is so obvious :rofl: Wow. I need to learn abreviations!

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Ahahahah it’s okay we are always learning hehehe :wink: :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart:

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