Portal is suuuper slow

as the title suggests, the portal is super incredibly slow. it seems to be happening with these two specific overlays im using. ive trialed and errored changing the size and resolution (lowering them) of them multiple times (as im using photoshop to create my intro) and each time its just as slow as the last. everythings works fine until i start moving the overlays and the whole portal goes slow. im using chrome and ive tried using safari & firefox, but the same issue arises. idk whats going on and its so frustrating.

edit i previewed it on the app and its not slow but instead the overlays are super large, even though when i uploaded it to the portal it was significantly smaller. no matter how many times i resize the overlays it doesnt seem to be getting smaller

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submit a ticket?

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omg i figured it out, after 3 hours. it was the stupid background, and im not sure why it was but it was. >:(

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Oh okay. Im happy that you figured it out. :yellow_heart:

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