PROMOTE YOUR STORY (and Please read my first story ever! ) willing to do read4read :)

hi! would u like to do read4read?

hi! would you like to do a read4read?

sure! :slight_smile:
how many chapters would you like to do?
I currently have 12 episodes published, I can do anything up to that!

great! i will read your first 3 chapters. after that i may or may not read more because i am doing a lot of read4 reads but if you could check out my first 3 too, that would be awesome! thanks so much :smile:

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Iā€™ll send you the screenshot when Iā€™m done with your first 3 chapters! :slight_smile:

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okay i will do the same

okay cool i will read it then send u screenshot :slight_smile:

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Sounds good to me!

Ok here u are

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Here you go!

I really like Jade she has a fiesty personality


Iā€™m almost done with yours! Sorry, I had to a do a few things before I could do some more r4rs!
Iā€™ll send a screenshot in a bit :slight_smile:
Also, Iā€™m glad her personality translated well! Sometimes I wasnā€™t sure if people would be able to tell sheā€™s a lil more sassy ahahah

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Yeah I love it! I like strong girls that can keep up with confident dudes. No worries take ur time :slight_smile:

@cc_episodewriter Hi! I would love it if you could check out my story :slight_smile:
I will read yours too as well :blush:

Title: Twisted
Author: Empress
Genre: Mystery/Crime/Romance (a little)
Chapters: 7 (ongoing)
Style: INK
Was I naiveā€¦ or guilty? Honestā€¦ or a liar? Maybe you can be a better judge of it than me. But listen to this story carefully. Itā€™s quiteā€¦ Twisted.


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Thank you! I will read your now.

Just finished!
Your story is ABSOLUTELY AMAZING! The plot, all the diff effects, like literally EVERYTHING :heart:

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Sure! :smiley:
How many chapters do you have?

Iā€™ve read your story. I love it! Here is the screenshot:

great! i will read the first 3 chapters then send you a screenshot :slight_smile: i may not get to it until the weekend tho, iā€™m sorry ā€¦

Thatā€™s ok!
Actually I was wondering if you could read the 8 chapters that Iā€™ve published so far.
Iā€™ll do the same for you :blush:
If you canā€™t, thatā€™s ok too :slight_smile:

awesome! thank you for checking it out! :+1::grin:

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