Promotion and R4R . magicka : Ethereal

Hey, guys, I am doing r4r to get the necessary read to qualify for the contest. if you wanna do r4r all you have to is read the chapters 3

and pm me a couple of screenshots and I will read your story too(I have unlimited passes ) and I will send screenshots back.

You can also a be a gem and just read without r4r
Title: Magicka: Ethereal
Genre: Fantasy
love interest: only one. not up for discussion.
Art scenes: Yes Optinal to watch
CC: Full.
Choices: yes
Mini-games: YES YES YES!!!
Grammar: amazing thanks to @MissHaze
Description: walking back to college from work you find an unconscious man, while waiting for an ambulance a magic creature hides in your backpack, but other people are looking for that creature too. people who are not human but something more magical. but are you trusting the right people.

link :

cover/ trailer:


Sounds really cool, definitely will read!

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Title: Magicka: Mark of the Moon
Genre: Fantasy
Episodes: 3 (more coming soon)
Description: One day, a hot stranger finds his way into your house. He speaks another language and says he’s human, but several incidents tell you otherwise. [CC, Art, Choices Matter, Sound]
Style: Limelight

I’ll PM you the screenshots soon! Thank you for doing this.

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I have not at all seen your comment I will start on your story now then.


It’s okay girl, trying to get u to high reads as much as I can!!!

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It’s alright, I try to read as many entries as I can anyway :slight_smile:

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There is really many. I just looked at some.

yeah, that’s true but - without offending anyone- I won’t read big author’s entries anyway… since I think those shelves should be a chance for us smaller authors to shine.

Anyway, I’ll gladly do a read 4 read with you :slight_smile:

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yay. what is your story?

omg i love it!!! yr directing and I love the game!
im still reading! :purple_heart::purple_heart::purple_heart:

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thank you :blush:

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Sure! I’ll DM you :heart:

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Hey, I would love to do a r4r I will send u the ss when I’m done I’m just waiting for my passes to refill :wink:
Here’s the link to my entry-

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okay, I will do the same

I actually am not publishing.

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Oh. Where you not able to finish

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No. We didn’t finish in time.

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It’s Magicka: The Mirror Traveler :slight_smile:


let’s do r4r? :thinking:
60 MINUTES AHEAD by Anna :purple_heart:
Episodes; 3/ongoing
Genre: Adventure
Style: LL
You volunteer to be the first human to test time travel, only going an hour forward with time. But when you leave travel pod, all other humans are gone. CC

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