Psychic Thread šŸ”®

Alrighty but try and talk to him through my dream? Lucid dreaming. I really wanna try that so I will tonight


which may affect the real life


Possibly because it wouldnā€™t be the first time honestly :rofl:

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ok well if you feel like your in real life stab your self with a butter knife if it doesnt hurt your dreaming if it does your not


Alrighty Ik when Iā€™m dreaming itā€™s like Iā€™m watching a movie of myself but Iā€™m the main person and moving around.


ok i dont wanna ever ever everrr lucid dreAM CUZ i have seizures


what doesnt happen to you

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Iā€™ve never tried taking over my dreams even when I knew they would turn to nightmares I think once I had a nightmare and tried to control it and it got worse


ik im saying i have seizures not you and i dont want lucid dreaming ever because it might affect my seizures

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Dang that makes sense! Hmmmmm okie Iā€™ll try thinking about him now till I sleep reread our messages and have a dream about him but try to control it


i might but i never ever lucid dream and never donā€™t want to

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good luck and let us know what happens


I will!

Of course thank you!

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Another thread that I already LOVE.

Behold my impressive memory

Wellā€¦ around middle school I desired to be two things: a nurse or an entertainer. I took the nurse route because itā€™s realistic and I will almost ALWAYS have a steady, well paying job. I even went to a magnet high school to further my skills in nursing. However, during junior year and the transition into senior year, I started to immensely lose interest in nursing. I did not want to be stuck in a routine. I want to explore and do what I love, but dreams donā€™t always pay the billsā€¦ But, even before I became hesitant and indecisive about my career choice, Iā€™ve had dreams about being a celebrity, an actress and they (obviously) increased after I became low-key invested. I mean, red carpets, flashing cameras, marrying an actor, being on movie sets, doing interviews, seeing places in Los Angeles (apartment/condo). I see the same mall, house, and condo in many of my dreams. Theyā€™re extremely vivid. Not only that but I look like me, but smaller (in weight) and my hair is dyed. I even had this one dream about me walking into my room with this elegant blue dress fixing my mascara. I was smaller and my hair was a lighter brown. Someone was mumbling in the background and I swore I heard them talking about me being nominated for best actress. I had a dream about me searching my pseudonym and a GOOGLE INFO PAGE popped up. I donā€™t know how the hell my head conjured that. Iā€™ve had multiple dreams with these experiences of being A famous actress for years, if I am being honest. But not ONCE have I had a dream about being a nurse. I have done nursing things and been to healthcare facilities. I have seen real life places like my house, street, etc. Yet I have never had a dream about being a nurse. I know dreams are not 100% reliable, but is this a push from my subconscious to stop playing around, my future knocking on my door, or a mixture of both. Help is obviously appreciated.


maybe its because the inner you wants to be a makeup star and a famous actress but you want to be a nurse


Yay Iā€™m rich!
says it for like forever and nothing happends why aint I rich?

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oof lol

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Actually I have been researching about manifestation. I find it very interesting and I am starting to manifest small things likeā€¦ food because why not? :joy:


yum food