Public Domain Fantasy Covers | COVER REQUESTS

Just thought I’d offer help finding a cover or art scene if needed. Personally, I found them extremely eye-catching (I believe they can all be found on pixabay).

Let me know if you have any requested images, and I’ll do my best to find public domain ones. I’m also available for manip and simple editing. DM or comment your story title, subtitle (optional), mood/vibe (ex.dark/happy), genre, a short summary of your story, the image you want/ideal image. Here are a few examples of covers I made:

(Unfortunately, I made these covers for my published and unpublished novels way before I joined Episode, and they were rejected because of Episode guideline issues. Oh whale :whale: )

Screen Shot 2020-06-26 at 1.02.51 AM <—MWAH’S FAV / MANIP COVER
Screen Shot 2020-06-26 at 1.05.09 AM <— SECOND ATTEMPT / SIMPLE COVER
Screen Shot 2020-06-26 at 1.00.05 AM < SECOND FAV / SIMPLE COVER
Screen Shot 2020-06-26 at 1.00.16 AM <—FIRST MEDIOCRE COVER / SIMPLE COVER

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Can you do one for my book called promise me

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Can you make a cover for the book name “The League Of Nature”?

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Can you please do a book cover for “Guardian of the divination”. It’s a fantasy book btw.

i dont think episode will accept any of these because real people arent allowed on covers

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