Questions for readers and writers

Coming from a writer/reader that prefers no CC.

•What do you like in an mc?
An MC that has a unique design and is 3-dimensional. Not some basic MC that has no interests or reasons to her personality and social skills.

•What plots do u like?
Unique plots, no “MC falls for Bad Boy!” type of thing. I’m more into eccentric characters and plots that make sense and actually affect the people in the story, whether it be positive or negative, also don’t give the MC too much plot armour.

•Happy endings or sad endings?
Usually I like happy endings, but I do like sad endings, but when it shows the character moving on or coping with it.

•Do u prefer it when choices matter?
Nope. Interactive stories aren’t my cup of tea, I usually go for stories like anime and movies, where the ending, plot, and character design are completely made by the author.

•When reading what’s the first thing you notice/think about the first chapter?
The pacing and dialouge. It’s ironic because I struggle with this too, but if the story seems rushed and the dialouge is robotic and unnatural, it makes the story seem unreal and flat.

•Do u like advanced directing even if it’s a shorter chapter?
I don’t care if the directing is advanced, I just want good writing and characters with depth. But one thing that bothers me is when the author uses advanced directing like tappable CC, and then the episode is like 5 minutes long, I get bored of the story real quick.


Both are equally important.

I plan it. It’s easier since you know exactly what you need to code. I also make some slight changes along the way.

Several days.

Definitely the plot.

As long as it’s respectful, it’s fine.

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What do you like in an mc?
Someone who is quite independent, kindhearted and maybe even a little bit nerdy because I relate. :nerd_face: It’s also really important to me that they respect the concept of a relationship. When the MC either goes for someone who’s in a relationship or doesn’t stay loyal in their own relationship, I really struggle to like them.
What plots do u like?
Anything supernatural. :mage:t3: But I also love a good murder mystery or even a good romantic plot.
Happy endings or sad endings?
Happy. I think sad endings can be done really well, but I love a good happy one. :pleading_face:
Do u prefer it when choices matter?
No, I make spur of the moment decisions and hate myself for it later. :joy::sob:
When reading what’s the first thing you notice/think about the first chapter?
Probably grammar and/or directing.
Do u like advanced directing even if it’s a shorter chapter?
YES! It shows that the author’s gone above and beyond to make their story great. However, I won’t think any less of a story if it doesn’t include it.

Any directing/coding tips?
Watch Joseph Evans’ tutorials. And please, make sure basic coding such as spot placement, zooms, etc are correct before you publish.
When writing do you like to focus on the dialogue or the coding?
Dialogue, I write my scenes on the Notes app on my phone, then copy it to the portal and direct everything.
Do you plan or make it up as you go?
I have to plan, otherwise I think it’s sometimes easy to lose track of where you want the story to go and end up just adding random scenes because you don’t know what else to write.
How long does it take to write one chapter?
Too long. :grimacing:
If you do plan, what do u focus the most on?
What each chapter will entail, but also little details to remember throughout writing the story, whether that be character quirks, inside jokes, whatever really.
Do you like criticism?
I suppose, as long as it doesn’t cross the line of simple hate.
How do u respond to negative/mean fan mail?
I haven’t published my story yet, so I don’t know.

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•What do you like in an mc?
I like the MC to be strong woman who proves that she can be independent, and isn’t a damsel in distress when she sees the love interest.
•What plots do u like?
I’m fine with cliche plots, although, I would like to see some plot twist in those plots. Intriguing plots will always lure me if they are quite different from any stories I have read.
•Happy endings or sad endings?
Eh, I prefer both together. Like there’s some parts of the endings where it ends disastrous but also happy for other characters.
•Do u prefer it when choices matter?
I don’t really care. For horror stories, it scares the crap out of me how much of our choices matter.
•When reading what’s the first thing you notice/think about the first chapter?
You always have to customise the MC, introduces the MC family and also not trying to attack any authors but a lot of them says ‘sorry for the bad grammar’.
•Do u like advanced directing even if it’s a shorter chapter?
Only if it’s necessary.

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thank you i’ll keep all of your advice in mind :heart:

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Thank you for replying i appreciate it a lot :heart:

•What do you like in an mc?

A character I can relate to. I don’t mean they have to be like me, I don’t even mean they have to be good, I just mean a true and honest real person. Someone with flaws, someone who makes mistakes, someone who has interests and layers. I’m so sick and tired of reading the same 1 dimensional character, give me someone to root for. Make me care about this character, make me connect to them. Without a care for the MC why should I care about the story at all? If I don’t care about the character, it doesn’t matter how good the plot is or how bad the stuff is you throw at them, I’m not going to care what happens. Whether the MC dies or not, I don’t care! Cause there’s no reason for me to. Make. Me. Care.

•What plots do u like?

Anything original. I love dystopian, post-apocalyptic, comedy, fantasy, mythology/religious fiction (angels n stuff), etc. Those are my preferred types of stories but that will not stop me from reading from a variety of genres. If you have a strong, unique plot, well thought out characters, and carefully planned arcs/plot twists/sub plots then I don’t care what genre your story is, I’ll read it.

•Happy endings or sad endings?

I don’t necessarily think it’s a matter of a happy or sad ending because I can be happy with both, emphasis on can. I think the best endings are endings with consequence. Endings that make sense considering what has happened in the story. Stories aren’t without sacrifice! For an example, if you write a story with a major battle in the end of it, not every single one of the main characters are going to come out unscathed. It’s a battle, people die! I think many authors forget this and want to show their incredible heroic characters come out strong, but when an ending such as a battle happens and no one dies, the ending is cheapened for me. I don’t mean kill off a character no one cares about, don’t kill off a side character designed to be killed off. Kill your darlings! Kill off the LI! Kill off the best friend! If not kill, seriously injure! Show the repercussions on their mental health! Show how relationships change! Show me why I should have cared about this whole story up until now, show me why I should care about this ending, show me what this means and why it matters! Don’t just make everyone come out all happy “woo! We won the war!” with no issues at all, then what was the point??
I’m not expecting every story to kill someone off but all endings should have consequence, for an example if it’s a drama story, show how the relationship in characters change (make it make sense), show where they ended up, show how people have changed because of the story. Show. Me. Consequence.

•Do u prefer it when choices matter?

Of course! What’s the point of choosing if it makes no difference? If you wanted to just tell a story, then just do that! Don’t waste our time with choosing pointless choices. Just say in your description or in the beginning of your episode that this story doesn’t have choices, and move on, just write the story.

•When reading what’s the first thing you notice/think about the first chapter?

Does it grab my attention? Does it make me want to care? If I click into a story and the opening scene is the MC brushing their teeth, I’m already disengaged. I don’t care about this story. But if I click on and immediately see the MC partying in a club, running for her life, interacting with her outside world (world building), I all of a sudden care and want to keep reading.

•Do u like advanced directing even if it’s a shorter chapter?

Yeah. Honestly I’d prefer a shorter chapter with really good directing than a longer chapter with average directing.

•Any directing/coding tips?

Damn, remember to reread your script before updating. When I first started I always got too excited and would publish before I was ready. Now I’ve got a hell of a lot to clean up in my previous chapters while trying to write new ones. Not fun.

•When writing do you like to focus on the dialogue or the coding?

Depends on the story and chapter. It’s a visual platform so you get just as much information out of what you see as what you hear/read. Dialogue creates relationships between characters, coding creates a relationship between the story and the reader.

•Do you plan or make it up as you go?

I have got a good plan of what I want to do. I know my subplots, my ending, and how I want to plan my plot twists. Of course I don’t know every single thing I want to do and end up improvising but I have a general idea of what direction I’m heading in.

•How long does it take to write one chapter?

Couple of weeks, depends what I have on. Recently I haven’t updated for months because I went over seas for 2 months last year, then I came back and was swarmed with school work and I ended up losing someone who I cared for a lot so I was grieving, my mental health was plummeting and I wasn’t in the right head space to write. It’s always more important to take care of yourself than to make your readers happy with a new chapter. So I’ve just started writing again maybe a week and a half ago, I’ve finished my next chapter and I’m just waiting for overlays to be approved. It can generally take anywhere between 1 - 3 weeks depending how much work/homework I have, what after school activities I have, mental health status, etc.

•If you do plan, what do u focus the most on?

Everything is equally as important. I think I tend to favor character building and plot development over world building, but everything is decently planned.

•Do you like criticism?

Constructive criticism yes. If you tell me “Hey, I think this character acted strangely here and I don’t think this makes sense and I feel like this plot line was a bit week and I don’t like how you portrayed this here, here’s what an idea of what you could do to improve” then absolutely! Thank you! This is really good cause now I can learn how to make my story better in the future. If you come to me and say “Your story is awful, I can’t believe you put this in and this character sucks cause I don’t like them!” Shut up and get out.

•How do u respond to negative/mean fan mail?

I once had someone attack me and call my story racist (I’ve talked to others and they agree it’s not, there’s a war and one country has supposedly started it, it’s for the plot, there’s going to be a big twist), I tried to explain to them what I was doing with the story and explain why it wasn’t. They wouldn’t have a bar of it so I just ended up ignoring them. But other than that I haven’t really received negative fan mail.


thanks so much for replying!

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Their character on a whole. And if they have interesting personality traits =D
I also like Mcs I can relate to sometimes qwq

Plots with twists or have something unexpected happen throughout :eyes:
I don’t mind messy plots either =D

This is a toughie >:c
I find sad endings more interesting but it’s always nice to have a happy ending once in a while :3

Yeah, a lot! Then if I get an ending I don’t like, it’s easier to blame it on my stupid choices than the actual plot xD

Definitely the opening scene :0
If it catches my eye I’m very likely to keep reading xP
Also how the characters are introduced qwq

Eh I don’t mind =P

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bumpidy bump