R4r with a twist

Okay y’all so I don’t think anyone has done this before but if they have let me know

here’s the idea: I’ve seen lots of R4R threads where it ends up getting too crowded and its hard for the original person to read all the stories SO I HAD AN IDEA

Rules: You have to read the story of the person above you and if ur not gonna participate pls don’t comment ur story

Because obviously theres no one above me I’m gonna read the person below me then they’re gonna read mine then the person below them is gonna read theres then the person below them is gonna read theres

Is this confusing idk YALL GET IT!??

Anyways feel free to DM me for extra r4r after you’ve read the person above ya

I did this so everyone gets their story read and its not just me tryna read 82883 stories which is impossible <3 :joy:

Title : Disingenuous
Genre: Comedy, Mystery, Drama
Description: A crime you didn’t commit? Turns out rehab isn’t the answer. A corrupt boarding school? Deadly rumors and dark scandals. Welcome to Furgwood, I guarantee you won’t enjoy your staycover


Hey! Since I’m the first person here, do you want to do r4r?
I’m a bit slow at reading, but I should be able to finish in the next few days and PM you the screenshots.
Title: Reveal: Murphy’s Law
Author (me) : MatchaTae
Genre: Drama
Episodes: 3 (I’ll release more eventually)
Style: Limelight
Description: Putting on a murder mystery play with your friends is all very fun, until you find out something that will tear your group apart.
Everyone is guilty of something…
…but what?
Link: http://episodeinteractive.com/s/4656833775206400
I hope you enjoy it!

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Yess reading it rn then the person below u he to read urs as well <3

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here’s some tags for people i know that have released stories, this is a great idea :see_no_evil:

@abinaya @Youngbl00d @molly247 @jellyepi11211 @xoxoalynam @Hazeo


cant thank u enoughh (’:

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love u queeennnn

Title: Reveal: The Redo
Genre: Drama/Romance
Episodes: 3 more coming soon
Style: Limelight
Plot: Londyn is an average 19year old except she has one big secret… she’s actually 36. Can Londyn hide her double life long enough to have her second chance? Full CC, choices matter

I already read the story above me in another R4R lol so I will read the original posters story!! Does that work?


yessss I will read ur story right now (:

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Ok I need more passes lol but I will read yours later today for sure and PM you SS!!!

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This is a great idea!

Link: https://linktr.ee/kennedymolly97


I will participate :grin:


It was a pleasure reading your story :heart:

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Loved your story


Aww thank you so much!!!

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