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Then The man from blues clues comes and starts chasing the dog around the room which startles Jeff and Henry

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THEN some kids come and sings the blue clues song

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Then you yell because you are trying too watch a movie

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but they won’t stop and also is this becoming a story lol

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Idk :joy:

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once a upon a time

There was an alien chair

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the alien chair was named bob

For being from another planet Bob was incredibly dumb

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bob was offended when humans sat on him


Especially when they had to let out a substance called gas

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:joy: bob met cachly or whatever her name is from the other story who was a human

Cathy was just as rude as the other humans she sat on his face an farted like the others she even laid her egg on him from when she was a chicken

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bob decide to get revenge by beating them and tieing them up :speak_no_evil:

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Bob was very delighted to get revenge and eager to tryout this substance called gas on them

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but he ccouldn’t cuz he a chair

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Bob just “sat” there feeling nothing cause he’s a chair

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Gotta go

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