RANT thread #3 :)

Yeah. That’s why I’m so mad. Lol

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I want to rant about people not keeping up with the words they say. I hope people do not let their words become worthless. :no_mouth:


Too get some god damnn sleep

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Yes I feel you!


I need to rant. :flushed:

So… the community that I have been a part of is getting closed. I’m not sure, but they said on Twitter that there will be a big announcement soon. Which is either

a) community getting closed
b) start of another community -if my guess comes true, the new community will SUCK-

Both options are annoying and makes me mad. People are acting really positive on this, telling me the worst will be is start of another community. Do people understand that it won’t be the same…?

I’ll miss that community so much if it gets closed, it was created back at mid 2017 and I’ve been a part of it since December 2017. Oh well, all the memories down the drain. -,-


Sorry about that. My first community I joined in May 1999 was officially started in late fall 1998 and closed in 2003. They offered a migration to another community, but it sucked. Users spread to 3 private communities, one still exists today, but is a ghost town for years now. The original community also changed over time, things never stay the same. But for some good news, I am still friends on FB with some of the people I met there. It’s not the surroundings that form a community, it’s the people. :sunglasses:

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I can’t stand when people on here be rude to you when you didn’t even say anything rude to them. That literally irritates me because now you’re giving me a reason to disrespect you because of what you said to me. People always seem to get away with doing that on here, and it needs to stop. Being rude to someone online that you don’t even know, is straight up mean. Just saying…


You mean read more episode stories right? haha









:sob: :sob:


In general ^^’

I do not read enough at all. I don’t read enough Episode, not enough books. I don’t read my bible as much as I’d like to >.> yeah ^^


Same here due to my lack of concentration. :disappointed:
But trying to read the Bible as a whole is hard, I gave up after 200 pages. :sweat_smile: Greek or Nordic mythology are a better read. :wink:

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Yaaas!! I agree!! I have the Poetic Edda <3 <3 <3 lol

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Have not read it, but I guess it’s also good. :sunglasses:


Gonna rant real quick
This pizza is sooo goood rn :heart_eyes::drooling_face:


Oh, I understand.


My sister said the most messed up thing to me…once again…SIGH

We were talking about one subject, one particular person who said some particular…messed up things which one of them was that “Gay people should be executed.” Which she then AGREED and then added “So should Jews.”

…My Dad wonders why I don’t want to be around her. “She’s your sister, you should get along.”

Sure, we can get along I guess…but when you say and believe the nonsense she believes, that “Jews are responsible ultimately for 9/11 because Islam hates Jews…” First of all, HOW THE FKK does that even make sense, and SECOND, I don’t want to be friends or associate with people who believe this, I really don’t give a damn if she’s my sister. -_-

She has two daughters, too. I’ve ranted about my sister before, I’m trying not to sound like a broken record, but I really don’t think there’s anything else in my life that just makes me so damn angry as her.

Jesus H Christ, fam. There’s a lot of things I find wrong with my sister, this sort of thing just really adds fuel to the fire. The thing is, I could laugh, but she isn’t joking. She’s deadass, 100% serious about this. How unAmerican can you possibly be? It makes me so angry and literally disgusts me to know that she’s related to me. Holy Christ…

A huge part of my original problem with her comes from her thinking my dad is all evil and a terrible person until her THIRD husband leaves her with her SECOND kid (two different dads, btw) and all of a sudden, “Daddy, I need help!” Ya know…the green kind of help. Now all of a sudden they’re in great cahoots while I never left my dad -_- This comes from my dad being a good dad despite how shitty of a daughter my sister can be. Ya know, proud of him, but I really…I just really dislike my sister…strongly.


And I got another problem right now. Feeling better about the problem above, thanks rant thread, but now I’m watching some old videos about where some modern ideas come from, which…nothing good here. And I was reminded by something before. “Just because this guy did terrible things and has no credibility anymore doesn’t mean that this one idea he had wasn’t a bad one.” Which I agree with this premise, this idea. I do agree that just because you are generally not very credible or you practice terrible things and did terrible things and have terrible thoughts doesn’t mean that you’re wrong automatically about everything.

However…these same people that use this argument tend to argue that other groups of people are automatically wrong about everything just because they have ideologies they disagree with.

I’ll use my sister as an example. Pretty awful person, I agree. But not everything she says is wrong. She could say, “Unchecked obesity can cause someone to die prematurely.” She isn’t wrong because she’s a damn racist. See what I mean? So…why do people do this in order to undermine peoples’ arguments?

“Obesity can kill someone.”

Offended person responds, “Yeah?! Well…you’re racist!” …okay? I don’t understand. -_- Sigh whatever. Maybe it is done out of frustration? I mean…just frustration from the point, though? I have been frustrated and brought my sister’s character into question before, but it comes from something more relevant.

She says something offensive, maybe it actually hurt my feelings and she provides no evidence or flimsy evidence. So…she says “Jews are tools of Satan.” I say, “What??? No…where are you getting this?” She says, “The star of David is no where in the scripture!” I go “That doesn’t prove anything. The Icthus isn’t in scripture, either. That doesn’t mean Christians do the work of Satan.” She goes, “Jew-lover!” Like that’s some kind of insult, and I’m like, “Dude, stop being a bitch.” And she’d go, “GASP! How dare you say that to me? I’m your sister, you should be kind to me and not hurt my feelings! I’m not being a bitch!”

So…it is okay for her to be rude, insult me, and hurt my fifis, but GOD FORBID I or anyone else hurt her fifis. :thinking: WTF!?!?!?!?!?!!


Its sad, but not uncommon. we’re never going to like everyone. Just because you’re related and grew up together doesn’t mean you have similar tastes, similar goals. plus, the sib may be !!, maaqanipulative or out and out evil.


I have too many stories to rant about but I think I’ll pick one right now.

I used to have this friend who was supposed to be my best friend back in primary school (elementary if you’re American) but she turned out to be a backstabbing cow. How? Whenever I accidentally hit her, she starts crying to get me in trouble after I apologise to her and the worst thing is that she started a rumour about me eating a pork sausage for lunch which was a lamb sausage and it was halal (not really religious right now so please don’t argue with me about leaving a religion). Like she was telling other kids in the class that were Muslim (not all of the kids in the class were Muslims but some majority of them were in my class) to stop being friends with me just because I eat lamb sausage when I made it very clear that it was lamb sausage, not pork sausage. Not to also mention, she told me to stop being friends with people that aren’t Muslims and that really made me angry. Fortunately I got my revenge because everyone stopped being friends with that cow except for a few stupid girls who tried to guilt trip me into being friends with her after I couldn’t take it anymore that I ended the friendship with her.

And one year later, I was in H&M shopping. I bumped into her dad & sisters. It was so freaking awkward that I pretended that I don’t remember that cow and left the store.


It’s my fault…