Read for read+review. I want to read YOUR stories! (Closed)

Uh I don’t understand

I will review it in the morning! I can’t wait to read your feedback!

Title: Class Crush: Find Your Love

Author: Dina Carmen

Style: Limelight

Chapters: 5 (Ongoing)

Genre: Drama

Description: Lauren is a relationship expert who has never been in one. Lauren agrees to help Dan get his crush’s attention, while he agrees to help her find her estranged mother.

Instagram: @dcmep



I deleted Episode, so when I download it back I’ll read your story

Oh, ok.

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Hey! I could give a try on yours and you could give a try on mine!:blush:

Please check out my very first story on episode!

Here is the details:
Title:Torn Destinies
Author:Jed Vilar
Link :
Episodes: 3 (Ongoing)
Style: INK
Story Description: When Karol thinks she could overcome all the things around her.That’s where she was WRONG.The moment she bumped into someone,The moment her life joins in a ONE HELL OF A RIDE.

Small Cover:


Big Cover:


I hope you could all give it a read! I can assure you that, if you decided to continue and come along with me on this story, i can tell you that this is not just some cliche story, that you probably see from the others,’ Cause THIS story has an AMAZING plot, and is ALREADY planned!:blush:

I will also send some screenshots from your stories as a proof that i readed it, I hope that you could also do it too. Thank You!:heartpulse:

Hey there… I read your story.

Although it’s a little similar to a featured story I read, I liked your story. I liked the plot and I liked the characters. I loved the wide variety of choices you offer. Your directing is very good and you have a gift for writing. You chapters are a good length and it’s a relief to see a daughter living with a single father that isn’t an abusic sexual predator.

Nothing too serious. A few slides and a lack of fullstops in your sentences.

An interesting story. I’m curious to see what will happen next.

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I finished your story.

It’s a good plot. I like Karol and her friendship with Kylie. I like you don’t dont reveal too much at the start and gradually sneak in information.
Sometimes the humour works, sometimes it doesn’t. I didn’t find the pizza scene funny. Also, you had numerous layer/size issues. The scene where the guy carries Kylie to bed, she’s BEHIND him. Sometimes characters are the wrong size (in the screenshot I sent you.) You don’t use capitals when you write “i” and often don’t use full stops at the end of sentences. Lastly, I didn’t like the scene where Karol meets her boss. He pins her against the desk against her will then starts forcibly kissing her. That’s how rape happens and is definently sexual harassment. Then she supposedly ‘likes’ it? Who likes some stranger forcing themselves on them? The same is similar to the scene where they’re arguing and he again kisses her, just to “shut her up.” It seems like sexual assault to me.
Apart from the errors and “that’ scene there was a lot to like and recommend about your story. I do give it a slight thumbs up.

I enjoyed your story,I have no complaints, I laughed when Petey got hit, Idk if it was supposed to be a sad moment

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Nah it’s a dark comedy. It was meant to be funny

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To all those who haven’t, please fufill your side of the read for read…,

Title: Toxic mind
Author: KM
Description: You never know what happens behind closed doors. Ally lives in fear for her fiance, but when an accident hit her, her life flips around. Will HE save her? CC

I finished your story.

Your story is fairly interesting. A foreigner living overseas and working is intriguing. It’s a very real common situation that other stories don’t cover. Your directing is pretty good. The Sam character is likeable. I think everyone reading is dying for the MC to hook up with him and ditch her loser fiancé.

The abuse scenes is really hard to watch. Also, it easy to get frustrated with the MC. She seems like a complete doormat “he hits me, but it’s ok, he loves me.” You get to the point where you almost want to hit her yourself because she’s so stupid. Also a few grammar errors.

Apart from the abuse scenes, your story is enjoyable.

Hi. I will read your story too. I’m interested in a Read For Read. If you don’t mind, can you read my story?

Title: Skai’s Stories.


Episodes: 3 (More coming soon)
Story Description: Skai is a new girl that moves into town. What will happen when she stumbles upon Gabe, an outcast at school who changes up her world?

Thank you! I read yours asap!

I would love to!

Genre: Adventure/Fantasy/Comedy (If that makes sense)
Title: Save Me, Hero!
Author: Turtle Cat!
Plot/Summary: After powerless Hero moves from a town where everyone has superpowers, she gets kidnapped by a group of refugees who are forcing her to join them. What will she do?
Style: Ink
Reads: 38 (So far)
I published this a few days ago, so it only has 3 episodes.


I’m sorry it took me so long.
It’s a nice little story. The direction is good and the characters are interesting.

Maybe it’s a glitch in my iPad, but it seems like the haractwrs start talking before speech bubbles appear. Also, it does get a bit slow at times.

Not bad. It’s an ok story. A bit slow at times, but never boring.

Thank you for the feedback! And it might be a glitch because someone else had the same issue. But I’ll try to fix it :heart:.

Hey, I read you story.
It’s a different story, I’ll give you that. For the first few chapters it seems like a high school drama, then at the end of chapter 2 it totally changes tune. I like the fact the MC has a loving father without a mother.

She does seem to act a little to calm when first kidnapped. I know if I was I’d be panicking, but she seems to brush it off as a mere nusiance and jokes with her captors.

Not too bad. You are very good at creating exciting cliffhangers that make the viewer want to come back and read the next chapter. Good luck with your story.

Thank you! There was a reason I made her act like that when she got kidnapped, I was going to say why later as an explanation. May I ask who you favorite character was?

Her dad