READ FOR READS! (Additionally state your favourite character)

Hello everyone, I have just finished the first episode for the remake of my story. Limelight.
Post your story and we shall have a read for read! =D

Title: Netoons (Virtual Reality)
Genre: Sci-Fi, Action

After we read each other’s stories, state your favourite character currently or any additional feedback.
Thank You.




Author Name: Giselle Crescent

Genre: Fantasy

Description: Being the daughter of Zeus isn’t easy. Add responsibilities and your mother having cancer topped on with a forbidden temptation to a boy who can rock your world , literally. CC

Small Cover:

Large Cover:


My fav char is DAMON!

I’ll start reading right away.

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I just finished episode 1. Here are some screen shots. My favourite character would probably be that black girl. She just makes me laugh.

I like the way you worked on the animations and spot directing. Those were the strong points of the story. I’m also glad u added character customization.

Good work. A character I dislike would probably be the teacher haha. I believed the teacher excused the dude for being good looking? If I recall correctly.

Your turn to read. xD Let me know who your favourite character from my story is.

Here is my story <3

Oh gawd that title. OK I’ll give it a shot.

I’ve just finished the first episode. I must say, it turned out better than expected. Another high school romantic drama. The opening hook portrayed was strong… to say the least.

I posted 2 images and I believe the dad looks way too young. The dad looks like he is the same age as the 3 girls. The mom even looks slightly older.

Next the teacher scene there was a line that says “come down?” Is it supposed to be “calm down?”

Overall, I guess I like how one of the blonde girl is rebellious and mocks her teacher.

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Really, thanks you so much T.T i will fix this

I will fix all of it T.T oh my god, I don’t know what to say. is there anything else you need me to fix.

Haha all good. The rest is up to you on how u wanna work on it.

I also need feedback on mine. Mine has a couple of mistakes too.

Story Name: Simple to Chaos
Description: A year ago a tragic shooting and two gang members try capturing you. Now a year later it’s your turn to find out why, but how simple is that for two teens still in highschool?

Genre: Action/Adventure
Sub-Genres: Mystery, Thriller, Drama, Romance
Some tags: CC, Choices, LGBTQ+, Trailblazer, Cliche-Breaker,

Instagram : @lee.lee_26 Link:
Leave a follow :wink:

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