Reading/Reviewing ongoing stories/ Read for read, [READ THE ENTIRE POST PLEASE]

Hey Dennise (or should I say brah haha)
I finished reading your story, I’ve to admit that’s it was way better than what what I expected. I loved it from ep1 to ep4 how you’ll update soon. I hope you’ll get more readers because it’s really nice and soooooo funny. I also love the diversity you put even in the background characters, and the little puns you put in the choices.
I’ll keep on reading it :smile:

Hello there :blush: I filled out your form

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Hello thanks a lot :), your story is now on my list of reads so I’ll give you a feedback when I’m done reading yours thanks again :slight_smile: xo.

Read for read? This is my first story. Any comments and suggestions greatly appreciated!

Yeah no problem, it’s my first story too :slight_smile:

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Hey, thanks I know :sweat_smile:
I suck at directing (more at the beginning :thinking::joy:), but I’m working on it, and I really don’t have time to go back and fix first few chapters :tired_face:
I will definitely read yours, I just got myself into too many of these reads, so I’ll start yours tomorrow :heart:

That means a lot, Venise! Thank you for your kind words.

Your cover is amazing!!

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Hi! Thanks for this thread :smile: This is my story, I’d like to promote it here too, and I’ll surely check your too xx

Author: Bonnie Dundee

Author Insta: @bonniedundee.epi

Title: Game Of Disguises

Style: Ink

Chapters: 6

Genre: Drama/Action

Brief Description: Two best friends have fun by disguising themselves as other people and attend luxurious and fancy events, but what happens when they find themselves in the wrong place and at the wrong time?

LGBT inclusive + Advanced Directing


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Hey Venise! . I’ll totally read your story and give you honest feedback when I complete the story!
Here’s my story’s info!:

Title:The Reputation
Genre; Romance
Episodes: 3 (continuous)
Style: Ink
Description: On and off cousins, an unexpected romance and your mothers death! Will juggling these events tear you apart or is it for the greater good!?



Any criticism is highly appreciated and I hope you enjoy the story!

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Thank you so much :blush:


This is my link for my new story! Please give her a change to read it! :’)

Hey Venise, I completed your story! (I couldn’t give screenshots as I’m writing this on PC but I DID finish your story and wrote in the Q and A as Aimee for proof!)

The plot is really interesting, I love the variety of spot placements and the diversity in characters!. The flashbacks are also a great way to show MC’s past and tells the story progressively and in an interesting way. Also, the outfit choices are really good, some stories just give the option of the character wearing rags lol. I think that you should add different actions when a character has dialogue but that rarely occurs in the story. You should put the characters first as sometimes the readers message shows up before! Overall, the story is amazing and can have readers really invested. P.s Jazmin is my favourite character other than MC! she cares about your feelings and is overall a great friend! WE LOVE PINK WEDNESDAYS!

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Tittle: Search for love.
Author Name:
Story Description :Your life turns upside down when you try to escape from a toxic situation! Can you find the love you are looking for trying to escape?
Genre: Drama
Link :
Cover :slight_smile:


Gurlll, did you draw that yourself? It’s gorgeous!

Hi Venise, thank you for a chance to let people show their story to other writers! I’m also writing a story :slight_smile:

Title: It’s Complicated
Genre: Romance
Description: You’re a 17-year-old girl living life the best way you can. Everything goes its way until two brothers change your life forever. Who will you choose? Love and drama awaits!

I would love you guys to read my story, and I’m definitely going to read lots of yours!
Semile <3

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Well dang, your cover is so cute. How did you create it? I’ll check out your story and give you feedback x

I’ll check out your story <3

Hey Semile! I completed your story!

The MC is really cute and doesn’t need CC which readers really want in some stories!
The spot placement is really good and gives depth unlike all characters standing in a line.
I also like the contrast between Noah and Mason, we love Hawaiian boys!
The choices are really fun as it feels like the reader has input in the story and can morph the MC into the readers personality!
I think, when choosing an outfit, that the character should stand screen centre rather than screen right so it’s more clear! P.S fudge Ron and Ashley! If Ron texted me, I’d block him straight up