Recommend: Stories that focus on sexual violence

I want to read stories that interpret correctly sexual violence,the effects , thr physical and emotional behaviour.
I am reading
Dead Woman Walking
The Triangle.
Do you have more ?


I’m writing one.

It is not published yet. But i can send you a link, but only if you tell me what do u honestly think :wink:


It will be nice to hear what other thinks, just before publishing. I am still waiting for improving my bacgrounds and overlays. And as you know it can take long.

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That’s brave to include a very serious topic.

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So, I took it as a yes answer :wink:
If you don’t mind I will DM the link

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Yes, that’s true it is a serious topic, but it doesn’t mean no one should talk about…

I think there are a lot of people who were too afraid to tell a truth and on another hand, too many people said it even it is not the truth - some kind of revenge.



The glamorizing of it is the reason I believe they shouldn’t do it.

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Id love to read

Yes mine is focus around abuse there is a LOT of triggers in it though, give it time and but by bit your see

My story The Girl Upstairs has some focus on this, and I think it’s pretty realistic.
I think people who have read the whole story would say it plays a pretty big part in the story, but it takes a little time to get to it.
The MC is definitely affected by it though.

Let me know if you check it out.

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I am pretty sure it’s on my saved! I will get to it, once I am done with exams.

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Speak by J.Miley
Finding Ourselves Together by Kat Valentine
Scorned by Amber J. Martin


I have read the first and third one, will get to the second one soon.

Thank you for this thread :black_heart:
I’m writing one, it’s based on true events
Title: The Unexpected
Author: C. Jade

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I am happy to hear it :heart:
The link to my story Click Here
Let me know what do u think after reading!

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