Regarding a muslim character

I have a muslim character named Shakila in my clue story but when I attempted to check what muslim girls wear, I came across a school uniform of muslim girls where they wear short sleeves with hijab
Is it really allowed?

No shoulders are not allowed to be uncovered

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Not shoulders
Like t shirts

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No the entire arm has to be covered as well as legs

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Can you send a picture?

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I dont know anything about muslims. but right now sitten at my computer looking out the window on the playground I can see a girl with Hijab waering shirt showing her stomach and shorts


Isn’t it just half the arm? Maybe I’m wrong but I’m pretty sure My friend told me so. It might depend on the person though. Not everyone decides to follow all the rules.

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All Muslims aren’t the same, just like everyone else. :man_shrugging:t4:

Some of them follow the rules and some of them don’t. Guess you have to decide which kind of character you want.


If your character is a devout Muslim, she will want to wear modest clothing (everything is covered except the face and hands) :blush:


It really depends on how strict she is, and if she wears a hijab or not. :heavy_heart_exclamation:

When wearing a hijab, most muslims can wear short-sleeves if it reaches the elbows, and have to cover the legs. :sparkling_heart:

With a niqab, they must wear long-sleeves and long skirts. :blue_heart:

Remember, not all muslims cover every single bit of skin completely. They can wear typical casual wear, like t-shirts and jeans. :orange_heart:

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