Religion on forums

Well said,
but she is complaining over something that has no sense

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People who have religion like to follow it. Thatā€™s okay. Yes itā€™s not okay to hate someone because of one thing about them. Itā€™s much more than that. Like Iā€™ve said, I will love any person who is LGBTQ+ but I just donā€™t agree how they are sexually, I was told that is not right. Thatā€™s just my religion. Other religions have different opinions about it too. But like I said, I agree that people shouldnā€™t hate someone for it but I donā€™t agree that people should stop expressing their beliefs.
Thatā€™s all there is to it, hun. :woman_shrugging:


Maybe she wanted you to understand something else but you interpreted the language differently? Or maybe she needs to make certain edits to her post so that it provides the well-needed closure?
Just donā€™t post negative comments like this. She is a human too and has feelings too. Like I said, she created this thread because this whole stuff was troubling her or someone else from her community. Respect others and their opinions too :yellow_heart:


I dont want to read it all tbh.
Is it about the video? ^^


Pretty much

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Thank you, I am out then.
I donā€™t like fighting over things you canā€™t change anyways, lol.


Religion is everywhere.
LGBTQA+ is everywhere.
Sometimes they overlap and there is nothing that can be done to stop it.
Although there are obvious and big conflicts of interest between the two as to what is acceptable and what isnā€™t, both groups preach love so can we just go with that?
Ignore the threads you donā€™t agree with, donā€™t comment on them, donā€™t insult anyone with a different opinion.
This conflict will hopefully end in the future but for now I think itā€™s best that everyone just remains calm and does the mature thing when it comes to disagreements.

Personally, religion doesnā€™t really bother me.


Wow thanks! you said it well





I mean personally I think people should be able to express themselves however they want. Its just how they do it that bothers me. But I do understand where ur coming from.


Gee willy Finn get it


Well hecc
Alrighty aighty
For starters and for anyone who doesnā€™t know me, hi Iā€™m Finn. Iā€™m an LGBT person who was raised in a Christian family and had to go to church and all that other stuff.
Basically, I have a clue what Iā€™m talking about here and I can understand both sides.
Now there are many different religions and many different beliefs, I am not going to pretend I have extensive knowledge of every single religion because that just isnā€™t true and as Iā€™ve only had my primary experience with Christianity Iā€™m going to just speak about Christianity here.

I can understand why there are people who feel like theyā€™re being ragged on for their belief and like theyā€™re being shut down for believing what they believe. I mean it does seem on the surface that this is just someone trying to be against religion because they think religious people are bad.
I know how I would have felt reading this when I was religious.

Iā€™m going to talk about some of my experiences and maybe we can reach a middle ground where we can all look at each other and just understand. Nothing more, nothing less.
Understanding can be the bringer of peace so this may help bring some understanding. If not thatā€™s ok too, Iā€™m happy to talk with anyone and respond to any thoughts. Please do try talking with me before judging me and what Iā€™m saying completely. If you disagree, letā€™s talk either here or on a pm. I wont disrespect or get angry at you.

For a while, I went to church. Now my church like many many m a n y churches was pretty firmly against anything LGBT. They didnā€™t actively teach hate upfront but if you were in the church you learned to hate and judge. They also very openly taught that discrimination was completely fine and that being gay was a sin. Iā€™m glad they never got around to talking about anything relating to being transgender as that probably wouldā€™ve messed with me pretty badly.
That being said I remember a lot.
I remember being told things that hurt me so much.
I remember being taught that all LGBT things were wrong.
I remember being taught that it was ok and in fact required to disagree with and even outright discriminate against anyone LGBT even though LGBT folk couldnā€™t control or change who they were and are.

Iā€™ve also had a few experiences I donā€™t really want to detail and Iā€™ve had to live with the knowledge that if I donā€™t lie and pretend to be something Iā€™m not and that if I donā€™t hide the person I am and live in mental agony then people I grew up with will probably hate me, certainly disagree with who I am and who I cannot change from being, and will most likely tell me about how ā€œgod doesnā€™t make mistakesā€ as if who I am is a mistake.
On top of that Iā€™ll be told Iā€™m going to hell if I donā€™t change what I cannot change. Fun.

I remember one girl asking why god was against gay people when he created them and the response being ā€œWell you see, we get all kinds of urges. Sometimes we get the urge to kill someone but thatā€™s wrong so we donā€™tā€ as if those are the same thing. As if loving someone and having feelings for a certain gender that you can not control or change are wrong.

Because of this and a few other things religion was pretty deeply triggering to me for a very long time. Itā€™s also a part of why I am not religious.

So to any fellow religious-raised LGBT folk, believe me when I say I get it.
I get how awful it can be and I get how terrible it can be to know that there are still some of these people who kill others for existing and who disagree with anotherā€™s existence not understanding that it isnā€™t a choice, and I get that you can hear a lot of awful things with people then hiding behind religion.
I get it.
I get what itā€™s like to feel like youā€™re broken because youā€™ve been taught that itā€™s evil.
I really truly get it.
And if someone wants to avoid discussion of religion I think thatā€™s ok.
Especially because there are people who have gone to religious schools that have deeply mentally and emotionally harmed so many people who canā€™t even read about religion without that pain and those feelings and all that suffering coming back. So yeah itā€™s 100% ok to want to avoid religious discussion and to want to not have things resurface.

I mean hell, I still get heated about religion.

But hereā€™s the thing.
Religion is not in itself inherently bad. I mean sure, organized religion is gonna have flaws because itā€™s created by people who are themselves inherently flawed.
But, there are religious people out there who are trying their best. There are religious people out there who donā€™t use their religion as a shield to discriminate and hate and disagree with the existence of others.
There are people who have religion in their lives that is a positive force that makes them strive to be a better person. There are religious people who are also LGBT and there are religious people who genuinely practice the thing that most religions are supposed to be based off of: love.
There are those who see that many religious texts are actually fine with LGBT people. There are religious people who question things theyā€™re taught and realize that some things are wrong.
There are people who do not judge or harm others and donā€™t use religion as an excuse.
There are religious people who actually teach love and true acceptance without any judgement.
And there are a surprising amount of them.

So what do I think?

I think that as long as someone isnā€™t disrespecting the existence of someone else, their view and opinions should be respected.
I think that as long as the discussions are not harmful or judging or disrespectful, there should be religious threads.
I think we should all accept and love each other.
I think religious people should fully accept LGBT people as they cannot control being LGBT and itā€™s not something bad or something that needs to be controlled or changed. I think LGBT people should respect religious people who are not disrespecting their existence or harming others and even try joining in the discussions respectfully and learning more about the religions and views others share.

I think that we should all be able to talk about being religious or being LGBT and I think that overlap there should be more than welcomed.

I think religions should respect each other.

I think everyone should respect each other.

I think we should all coexist peacefully and not just tolerate each other, but we should go beyond that and practice love and acceptance of each other.
I think we can be in peace and learn more about each other.
Because hey, weā€™re all people. We all are deserving of love.
So why not just love each other?

Also to clear some things up:

  • Artist is just saying that we shouldnā€™t allow people to descriminate or harm others and then let them hide behind religion, I donā€™t think she wants all religious threads to be taken down etc etc
  • I sincerely donā€™t give a shit what religion you are, just donā€™t judge or hurt others or yourself and be the best you you can be.
  • religion doesnā€™t trigger me anymore
  • I do not hate religious people or religions. I hate people hurting others and using excuses and getting away with it. Seeing as these arenā€™t the same thing I donā€™t hate religion.
  • I was talking to both groups here so sorry if that was confusing at times!

As a follow up! If your religion is something that makes you happy and betters your life you should be able to discuss and practice it! Not sure if that was clear haha


If something I said was unclear or you disagree please let me know!


Imma just say that bro youā€™re amazing and I love you man. Also youā€™re great and Iā€™m happy that youā€™re you! :smile: and thank you for just helping out with things man really.


I basically said religious people shouldnā€™t judge, hurt, or discriminate and as long as they arenā€™t doing that discussing their religion is fine but if someone doesnā€™t want religion to be discussed around them that should be respected and that there are people have been hurt by religion but there are also religious people who donā€™t harm others


I donā€™t understand you what you mean. Everybody should be able to express themselves at some point as long as itā€™s not rude or shady. Even I do it. Iā€™m a Christian, and I do sometimes express my beliefs when needed. Itā€™s okay for everybody to share their beliefs sometimes, but you canā€™t just do it to offend people.


Ugh, Iā€™ve said that! Lol


I disagree with you .