Ren’s Weekly Story Shoutouts :blob_hearts:

Here’s my story Blind To Blood!! :heart:
Genre: Fantasy, Comedy, Thriller, Romance
Episodes: 11 and on going
My Instagram is @Uglygh0stt :heart:


Hey, everyone! I’m so sorry about this but, since I don’t use the forums that much anymore, I’ve decided to move these shoutouts solely to Instagram. To request your shoutout, please fill out the link that says, “Request a Story Shoutout.” Sorry for the inconvenience if you have to rerequest now :grimacing:

Hey Ren, thank you for this thread! :star_struck:

Title: Fragments of You
IG Username: @ js_mits
Genre: Mystery
Having almost no magic is tough to survive. Existing worlds disregarded the prophecy and now that the Realm appeared, everything were once again thrown into chaos. (LL, Full CC)


Title: Striving For My Happy Ending
IG Username: @ js_mits
Genre: Fantasy
July died suddenly, only to find herself waking up in the world of the ‘Reaching You’ online story! Even worse, as the antagonist who will meet her death! (LL, limited CC)



Click this link to request a story shoutout:

So far yet so close

You meet the perfect guy but you find out he loves in a different country! Will your love last or it will end in a rush?
Romance LL

Thank you so much for this!

Story Title: Designed To Sin (Ongoing story)

Genre: Drama

Style: Limelight

Customisation: Full customisation - MC and LI

Diversity : Yes!

Author: Dede V.

Description: Two young people who fall in love, but destiny is against them. Will you be able to end up together, forgive and forget secrets and lies? Will you?..
CC , LL, Art Scenes

Story Link:

Chapters Out: 9

Story Views: 211

Story Cover:

Instagram: @dedee_pisode

@Sydney_H can you close this thread please?

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Closed by OP request. :smiley: