OPEN! Doing R4R! :yay:

Hello everyone! I just published the revamped version of my story and I am down for doing read for reads! :blush:
Rules :

  • You must read my story first. If you did, I’ll start reading your story :blush:

  • If you have read all three chapters, please send me at least one screenshot of every chapter.

And that’s it! :grin:
I’ll read 3 chapters of each story. And I’m looking forward to reading them! :heart:
Also, If I really liked your story, I will do a shout-out for it on Instagram :blush:

So here’s my story:

Title: Reality behind Glasses
Genre: Drama/ Romance
Chapters: 3 (Chapters 4 & 5 locked due to revamping)
Style: Limelight
Description: After a heated dispute with her parents, Layla decides to run away and return to her home country - diguised as a guy! But what happens when someone finds out your little secret?
Instagram: @tsukino.episode

Please keep in mind that it may take me a few days to get back to you, as I’m working full time and don’t spend too much time on my phone. :blush:

Story List :
Maid of Honor - @Stxrylines :white_check_mark:
Godslaves - @lidezutt :white_check_mark:
Is this Love? - @becca12 :white_check_mark:
Breaking Boundaries - @Faith.episode.cats :white_check_mark:
Master of Elements - @anianju✅
Pregnant by the bad pregnant Robot - @Some_kid✅
The Death of a Superstar - @agirlsbetterstories
Billige to my Heart - @Eevie.stories. :white_check_mark:
Self Discovery - @bgb.episode :white_check_mark:


Heyy I would love to do R4R! I’ll send you screenshots when I’m done :purple_heart:

You can chose the sexuality you are interested in: girls, boys or both.

Story Name: The God Slaves
Genre: fantasy
Story Description: On your 18 birthday everything changes. You end up in the dark fantasy world of Daemonium, where everything you ever believed in turns out to be wrong.
My cover:

Instagram Handle: lidezutt.episode
Episodes: 5
Style: limelight

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Awesome! Can’t wait! :blush:

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Will you be up for a R4R?
3 each?
Title - Maid Of Honour
Genre - fantasy and Mystery
Description-When your goal is to become The High Maid, and girls in Meattle are going missing… what will stop you from your goal? Limited CC

Link -

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Let’s do one. I send screenshots.

**158966653629949068 (1) **
Author: Carlita Bregante’
Story: The Death Of A Superstar
Episodes: 1-5 published (episode 6 on the way)
Genre: Mystery (mix of Drama, suspense action)
Description: Ava Duran, Hollywood’s biggest superstar, murdered the night of the Grammy Awards? Is it her bad attitude that got her killed or is it because of all her dark secrets?CC/LL

3 FOR 3 or more episodes??
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Sure! Let me know when you’re done reading and I’ll start with yours :grin:

Yes! Let me know when you’re done and I’ll start reading yours :blush:

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Alright will do.

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Here are the screenshots :grinning:

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Thank you for reading! I’ll start reading your soon! :heart::blush:

Ty :grin:

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R4R (published 3/3)
Title: Is this love?
Author: Rebecca
Genre: Romance, Comedy, Action
Description: This story is about Brook and her adventure to find love, Will the truth bring them together stronger or drive them apart!


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Heyy I have read your story. I loved it :heart_eyes::purple_heart:

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Aah thank you so much!! :pleading_face::heart: Im glad you enjoyed reading it :blush:. I’ll start with your story ASAP!

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Sure! Let me know when you’re done and I’ll start with yours :grin:

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Hey, just finished reading your story :blush:

@Tsukino_94 I’m starting it now :smile:

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Hey, I’ve read your story! Amazing job! :blush:

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Alright! I will read yours tomorrow cause it’s pretty late here and I have to work tomorrow :tired_face:. I’ll read as soon as I can! :heart:

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