Ridiculous Bans - Game (V2)

@talesbyrose is banned for eating a ban

@Coolepisodes is banned because what?? lol

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@talesbyrose is banned for g nlfi ehuknkhifgj9cuiygschgyshychdcjkkldckscokazjsxjlsxklij

@Coolepisodes is banned for typing a bunch of letters

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@SilverStar is banned because she banned someone.

@BadassSaasha is banned for being tpam

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@SilverStar is banned because I donā€™t know what tpam means?

@BadassSaasha is banned cuz I predict that u will be tpbm

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@SilverStar is banned because I still donā€™t know what tpam or tpbm meansā€¦

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@BadassSaasha is banned for not knowing what they mean

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@SilverStar is banned because I am really irritated now.

@BadassSaasha is banned for being irritated

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@SilverStar is banned for testing my patience.

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@BadassSaasha is banned cuz I wanna test your patience

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@SilverStar is banned because I donā€™t want it tested though.

@BadassSaasha is banned cuz u have no choice 398885964979634197

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@SilverStar is banned because I broke the chain XD

@talesbyrose is banned for breaking the chain 4 hours later

@SilverStar is banned for banning such a kind person.

@AS007 is bashed cuz I just freaking pressed the dismiss button