Ridiculous Bans - Game (V2)

@SilverStar is banned for dismissing the notifs from her dear friend :cry:

@AS007 is banned cuz it wasnā€™t on purpose

@SilverStar is bammed cuz she used the word bashed and now this thread should be renamed as Ridiculous Bashes? :neutral_face:

@AS007 is banned cuz this ainā€™t Ridiculous Bamms

@SilverStar is banned because she hasnā€™t changed her PFP since I could rememberā€¦

@AS007 is banned cuz I changed it once

@SilverStar is banned cuz she banned herself :neutral_face:

@AS007 is banned cuz oops

@SilverStar is banned for changing herself to me.

@AS007 is banned for being @_AS

@SilverStar is banned for being two faced because she has another account called @ShootingStarz.

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@AS007 is banned for being AS

@SilverStar is banned for banning me for being me.

@AS007 is banned cuz Imma sleep now

@SilverStar is banned cuz, Good Night and Sweet Dreams!

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@AS007 is banned because itā€™s day here and Iā€™m in math class

@talesbyrose is banned for banned :lollipop:

@Coolepisodes is banned for using an emoji

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@ReeseTheReallyGrumpy is banned for saying emoji

  • Must follow all rules, thank you- By ?


@Coolepisodes is banned for being my daughter.