Ruckstar art shop (open and free) <3

Hello my fellow episode users :slight_smile:
I’ve decided to make this thread for more than just front covers.
I’m able to make:
-Edited front covers
-Character cards
-Profile pictures
I might be able to make more in the future but for now this is what I can do.
I don’t have examples of all my available requests but I do have some:


Character cards

Profile pictures

None available yet.


If you do request from me all I ask is for you to put my instagram in your story at some point – @ruckstar.writes
If you do want request something I will respond with what I need from you.
I love you all and stay safe :blob_hearts: :blob_hearts: :blob_hearts: :blob_hearts:


Can you make me 2 character cards?

Of course!
Could you please send me the character details and if you have any specific backgrounds attach them in here or if you just want an ocean background as an example, just let me know :slight_smile:

Character 1 (female): Sky
Skin Tone: neutral 3
Eyebrows: Arched natural (dark brown)
Hair: long wavy blowout (chestnut brown)
Eyes: female generic (grey cool)
face: diamond
nose: Grecian soft
lips: Small heart (beige pink gloss)

Charecter 2 (male): Liam
Skin Tone: copper 00
Eyebrows: straight medium scar (black)
Hair: medium taper wavy (black)
** Eyes:** Deepset Downturned Lidded (Black)
face: Square Long Jaw Stubble
Nose: Grecian narrow
lips: medium heart (beige light gold matte)

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Hey Love! is it possible for you to make me a splash😊

of course, love!
Is there any sort of background you would like? or are you ok for me to pick one?

Of course, lovely!
What type would you like? and if you have any specific background you would like, let me know x

I would like a warning for mature scenes and languages🥰 And there is no specific background love☃︎

Awesome, thank you :blob_hearts:

Is this ok…?

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I’ve made your 2 character cards and I really hope you like them, let me know if you want me to change anything



:blob_hearts: :blob_hearts:

I love it thanks you so much!

Can you change Liam’s eye color to blue green

I typed the wrong color :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

You’re welcome. I’m glad you like it!

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Of course. It shouldn’t take too long.


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Here is the updated version of Liam’s character card:

It looks lovely!! :smiley:

You’re welcome :blob_hearts:

Are you still accepting requests?
I really need a cover for this new book I’m writing☺️