Rude’s Here to Help! Ask your questions babes 💙

Glad I could help :blue_heart:


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I’m not actually. Too busy, work is a drag but I need it to eat and not be homeless I guess loll. Good luck!

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Lol thanks. It’s so confusing all the stuff you have to type :smiley:

Yea I know what you mean. But trust me it gets easier. Pretty soon you’ll be coding without even thinking about it lol


Not in my scenario lol :slight_smile:

Where are the superhero outfits I cannot find them :smiley:

Oh lol nvm I found it

I thought the same thing, everything was so daunting and back when I started there was no video tutorials and Episode was still only using Classic. It took me a while to figure everything out by just reading the guides and playing around with the codes on my own but before I knew it I had memorized things I didn’t even try to memorize, they were just ingrained from overuse loll. It’ll happen for you too


Thanks :ok_hand:t4:

Anytime, girl :blue_heart:


How to code character customization for multiple characters and just for one person as well

Allow me to direct you to the lovely @Dara.Amarie ‘s post as she has been kind enough to provide us with link for character templates

Multiple Character Customization Templates (INK & Limelight)


Overlays can move! You just gotta believe :raised_hands:t3:

Screengif taken from my story: Blood is Thicker


Omg thank you sm



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How do you get a character to walks of screen while talking?

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You do &CHARACTER exits left


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Thank you so mch!

No problem!

How do I add author notes in episode