Rude’s Here to Help! Ask your questions babes 💙

Okay, well I’m trying to do the opposite. While zooming out of an area, I would like the character or characters to move into the area. How would I be able to do that?

Same concept. You’re just shifting the characters towards the screen instead of away.

I don’t understand because every time I try to do that, it’s like my character is popping up into the scene while moving. Let me show you what I have.

@cut to zone 1 AND zoom on 183 296 to 119% in 0
@pause for a beat
@DILONIA changes into Dilonia_5
&zoom on 183 319 to 102% in 3
@DILONIA walks to spot 1.511 177 -181 in 3 AND DILONIA faces right AND DILONIA does it while idle_rear

I don’t understand what I am doing wrong :frowning:

What’s her spot direction?

Thanks for your help! But, I figured out how to do it.

I know how to comment out a single line of code: place a # at the start of the line.

But how do I comment out large chunks of code, without placing a # at the start of every single line?

Edit: Really? Noooooooo! But thank you!

unfortunately you have to use # every line

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Can someone tell me why this isn’t working? I’m trying to have the char use diff emotions thru overlays, but the last one does not work.

INT. BEDROOM - NIGHT with BED at layer 2 with SAD VI to 1.550 70 -81 at layer 3 with ANGRY VI to 1.550 70 -81 at layer 3 with ANGRY V12 to 1.550 70 -81 at layer 3
&overlay ANGRY VI opacity 0 in 0 and overlay ANGRY VI2 opacity 0 in 0

&overlay SAD VI opacity 0 in 0 and overlay ANGRY VI opacity 1 in 0

&overlay ANGRY VI2 opacity 1 in 1 and overlay ANGRY VI opacity 0 in 0

Anyone know hy this is?

coding is right, maybe it’s because of the & ?

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Just tried that - no luck

are you sure is placed right?


you don’t have animation after animation?

i dont understand

can you show your script?

INT. BEDROOM - NIGHT with BED at layer 2 with SAD VI to 1.550 70 -81 at layer 3 with ANGRY VI to 1.550 70 -81 at layer 3 with ANGRY V12 to 1.550 70 -81 at layer 3
&overlay ANGRY VI opacity 0 in 0 and overlay ANGRY VI2 opacity 0 in 0
&zoom on 160 284 to 105% in 0
&VIMUM spot 1.250 74 0 and VIMUM faces right and VIMUM moves to layer 1
@speechbubble is 169 147 to 100%
They claimed my skin was too dark, my eyes were black and soulless, and I would never have any friends.
But I didn’t understand it.
So many other people |italic|looked like me.
Why was I picked on and not them?
&overlay BED opacity 0.6 in 1
&VIMUM is talk_happy_agree
My mother told me to ignore them, as I always went home to her crying.
&overlay SAD VI opacity 0 in 0 and overlay ANGRY VI opacity 1 in 0
&VIMUM is talk_apathetic
She thought they were just mean but harmless jokes.
&VIMUM is talk_arms_crossed
&overlay BED opacity 1 in 1
But you can’t ignore people terrorising you every single time they did.
The hurt and rage builds up inside you.
&overlay ANGRY VI2 opacity 1 in 1 and overlay ANGRY VI opacity 0 in 0

That gets you to your boiling point.

no idea what’s wrong, the only idea what came up to my mind maybe you’re tapping too fast? What’s after this last dialogue?

it fades out

how fast? Did you try to tap slower?

Try it at a higher layer :thinking: and the overlay name is 100% correct?

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