Rude’s Here to Help! Ask your questions babes 💙


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That’s chapter 2

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Omg that must be the mispelling ty so much hope it works!

Hi is there anyway you can help me with back to back characters like for example characters1 is rear so you show characterter2’s face then character2 is rear so you show character1’s face like do you use different zones like character1 zone1 and then character2 zone 2 or different backgrounds sorry if it sound confusing

Hi! I have trouble using overlay. It keep moving to the other spot. Can u help me? Here’s what I typed this:
@overlay 5033279342641152_BREAKFAST TRAY 1 shifts to 167 194
@overlay 5033279342641152_BREAKFAST TRAY 1 scales to 1.179 1.179
&cut to zone 2
@CASPIAN stands screen center AND CASPIAN faces left AND CASPIAN is tinker_loop_rear
@CASPIAN moves to layer 2
@SHABINA stands screen center in zone 3
@SHABINA moves to layer 3
@pause for 3
&pan to zone 3
SHABINA (talk_happy_smile)
Hi. Did I smell crossiants just now?

Do you mean like this?

There are templates in the portal for this. Click on the script template tab on the right and find the over the shoulder templates in there.

with BREAKFAST TRAY 1 to 1.179 167 194 in zone 2 at layer 1

Yeah like that how did you code it did you use different backgrounds or zones

I’m not really familiar with the forum at all.I was just wondering about the requirements for uploading your story. I heard it needs to have at least 5 chapters for it to be seen on the app. Each chapter needed to be at least 400 lines of dialogue. Did they really mean dialogue as in a character talking at least a sentence at a time or past the 400 mark on the physically typed script?

You need 3 chapters and 400 lines to publish your story. It could be directing, coding, and/or dialogue.

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It depends on using which backgrounds


So some backgrounds you’ll use a zone and some others you’ll use a different background

Example if it’s EXT. NORTH PHILADELPHIA ALLEYWAY - NIGHT and character 1 stands in zone 3 and rear how will I show her face should I use zone 2 or 1 to show her face or a different background

If u want to make CHARACTER 1 like this: (ignore the background)

Then, u can actually use zone 2 of EXT. NORTH PHILADELPHIA ALLEYWAY - NIGHT to show CHARACTER 1 face

Here is the template on this. You just need to change the background and make sure it has at least two zones.

how do I make sure a reader chooses an outfit in a dressing game?

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@Dara.Amarie’s website has many templates!