Running into character in seconds

So I’m trying to make my characters bump into eachother but everytime I do theres a pause and then they run_fall. &ASHLEY is shocked AND RYAN walks to spot 1.370 160 0 in 0.6 AND RYAN does it while run_athletic then RYAN is run_fall AND ASHLEY is run_fall AND ASHLEY faces left

I’m not sure if this will help- try this maybe?
&ASHLEY is shocked
&RYAN walks to spot 1.370 160 0 in 0.6
&RYAN is run_athletic
@pause for 0.6
&RYAN is run_fall
&ASHLEY is run_fall
&ASHLEY faces left

It may not work, but it’s worth a shot :slight_smile:

ok ill try that ty

np! lmk if it’s not working maybe there’s another way to fix it

no its still doing the same thing


maybe try
&ASHLEY is shocked
&RYAN walks to spot 1.370 160 0 in 0.6 AND RYAN is run_athletic
@pause for 0.61
&RYAN is run_fall
&ASHLEY is run_fall
&ASHLEY faces left

It may give the same result but there’s a chance it’ll work


omg thx it worked

np!! I’m glad it did!