Scale isn’t working

Here is my code
@OVERLAY BOX1 scales to 0.545
@OVERLAY BOX1 shifts to -10 32

I’ve also tried the scale using
@OVERLAY BOX1 scales to 0.545 0.545

Neither of these have worked

SCALING Overlays (Changing the size):

@overlay OVERLAYNAME scales to % % in T

The scale size needs to be entered in twice. (If you’re adding the overlay to the background name then you only need to enter the scale size just once).

To flip the overlay horizontally, put a negative sign in front of the first scale size:
@overlay OVERLAYNAME scales to -1.0 1.0

To flip the overlay upside down, put a negative sign in front of the second scale size:
@overlay OVERLAYNAME scales to 1.0 -1.0

If you want your overlay to be skinny , change the FIRST scale number.
If you want your overlay to be flatter , change the SECOND scale number.

You need to always add the word “overlay” before the overlay name and the scale size should be added in twice

@overlay OVERLAY NAME scales to 1.0 1.0

Learn more about coding overlays here: A Guide to Using & Animating OVERLAYS

Thanks :slight_smile: realised it was because I put overlay in caps when it didn’t need to be

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