Scene help needed please

my character Arianna keeps getting removed from the scene

this is the script please help
@zoom on 207 261 to 234% in 0
@ARIANNA spot 0.695 175 239
@ARIANNA faces right
@ARIANNA moves to layer 0
@LIAM spot 0.722 -144 238 in zone 3
@LIAM faces right
@LIAM moves to layer -1
@LIAM is talk_read_paper_neutral and ARIANNA does it while search_neutral

    ARIANNA (idle_armscrossed_angry_loop)
(School is such a drag.)

@ARIANNA is eyeroll_sarcastic

    ARIANNA (idle_exhausted_loop)
(But I better get to class..)

&pan to zone 3 in 3
@ARIANNA walks to spot 0.695 -220 230 in zone 3 in 4 and ARIANNA does it while walk_exhausted_loop
&ARIANNA stands screen center in zone 4 and ARIANNA is shush_neutral
@pause for a beat and ARIANNA is react_startled_surprised
@LIAM is search_neutral and ARIANNA is idle_awkward_uneasy_loop
@pause for a beat
@LIAM is idle_exhausted_cramp_loop and ARIANNA is deepbreath

    ARIANNA (idle_awkward_scratch_loop)
(He looks lost.)

    ARIANNA (talk_awkward_loop)
Hey there, stranger.

@ARIANNA is cough
@LIAM faces left
@LIAM is think_rubchin

@speechbubble is 160 298 to 100% with tail_top_right
LIAM (talk_think_neutral)
I like that nickname.

@LIAM is think_rubchin

    LIAM (talk_excited_happy)
You'll be "awkward chick"!

@ARIANNA spot 0.695 -220 230 in zone 3 and ARIANNA faces right

@speechbubble is 160 298 to 100% with tail_top_left
(What have I done.)

@speechbubble is 160 298 to 100% with tail_top_right
LIAM (talk_afraid)
Awkward chick, are you okay?

@speechbubble is 160 298 to 100% with tail_top_left

(Lol, no. What did you expect?)

&ARIANNA spot 0.695 -220 230 in zone 3 and ARIANNA faces right
ARIANNA (talk_neutral)
Why are you like this.

@speechbubble is 160 298 to 100% with tail_top_right
LIAM (talk_flex_happy_atcamera)
It’s in my russian blood.
@speechbubble is 160 298 to 100% with tail_top_left
ARIANNA (talk_neutral)
'Kay. Bye.

@ARIANNA faces left

@speechbubble is 160 298 to 100% with tail_top_right
LIAM (talk_shrug_neutral)
My name is Liam.

@ARIANNA faces right
@ARIANNA is think_rubchin

@speechbubble is 160 298 to 100% with tail_top_left
ARIANNA (talk_neutral)
I’m Mia.

@LIAM is think_rubchin
LIAM (talk_handsonhips_neutral)
We’re gonna be good friends.

    LIAM (talk_angry)
You can't escape from my grasp!

@ARIANNA is laugh_giggle and LIAM does it while laugh_chuckle

@speechbubble is 160 298 to 100% with tail_top_left
ARIANNA (talk_think_neutral)
You sure are weird, new kid.

@speechbubble is 160 298 to 100% with tail_top_right
LIAM (talk_think_neutral)
I wouldn’t say…

    LIAM (talk_airquotes)

    LIAM (talk_think_neutral)
I think of it as..

    LIAM (talk_flirt_charming)

@speechbubble is 160 298 to 100% with tail_top_left
ARIANNA (talk_armscrossed_neutral_loop)
Well the best you’re getting from me is outgoing.

@speechbubble is 160 298 to 100% with tail_top_right
LIAM (talk_apathetic)
Trust me.

    LIAM (primp_brushhair_happy)
I am charming.

    LIAM (talk_repulsed)
At least, compared to my brother.

@speechbubble is 160 298 to 100% with tail_top_left

@LIAM is listen_nod_neutral_loop
ARIANNA (talk_think_neutral)
You have a brother?

&LIAM is idle_armscrossed_neutral_loop
ARIANNA (talk_shrug_neutral)
Does he go here?

@speechbubble is 160 298 to 100% with tail_top_right
LIAM (talk_handsonhips_neutral)
No, but he use to.

    LIAM (talk_apathetic)
Dude is like a hundred years old now.

@ARIANNA is laugh_giggle

    LIAM (talk_think_neutral)
Did you want to ask me something?

@speechbubble is 160 298 to 100% with tail_top_left
ARIANNA (talk_sheepish_rubneck)
Well, you just look a bit lost…

@speechbubble is 160 298 to 100% with tail_top_right
LIAM (talk_think_neutral)
That obvious huh?

    LIAM (talk_exhausted)
I've been here since.. Like.. Six trying to find my class.

@ARIANNA is laugh_giggle

@speechbubble is 160 298 to 100% with tail_top_left
ARIANNA (talk_neutral)
Hand over the schedule.
@add Sheet Paper White to LIAM
@LIAM is give_object_happy THEN ARIANNA is take_object_neutral
@remove Sheet Paper White from LIAM
&LIAM is think_rubchin
@add Sheet Paper White to ARIANNA
ARIANNA (talk_read_paper_neutral)
You have home room 207.

    ARIANNA (talk_handsonhips_neutral)
Lucky for you, I also have that class.

@speechbubble is 160 298 to 100% with tail_top_right
LIAM (talk_excited_happy)
Great, we can go together!

@speechbubble is 160 298 to 100% with tail_top_left
ARIANNA (talk_neutral)
Let’s get a move on.

@speechbubble is 160 298 to 100% with tail_top_right

@LIAM faces right
&ARIANNA walks to spot 0.695 -65 227 in 2 and LIAM walks to spot 0.722 -28 238 in 2
By the way, I apologize in advance if any girls try attacking you.

I can already tell I'm going to be the heart throb of the school.

Don't worry.

I don't think anyone here is blind.

@transition fade out black

Right after she walks, you put her in zone 4. That’s why she disappears.

hahahaha im a retard i only had to delete this bit ARIANNA stands screen center in zone 4 and ARIANNA is shush_neutral

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