Script Helppppp

For some reason after:
@YOU is run_fall AND YOU faces right
The character stands up for about a second and THEN it acts the idle_fallen.

Have you tried:
@YOU is run_fall AND YOU faces right THEN YOU is idle_fallen

It didn’t work, the character still stood up for a second. :frowning:

Maybe the AND YOU faces right is causing the pause… :thinking:
Maybe try:
&YOU faces right
@YOU is run_fall THEN YOU is idle_fallen

Still didn’t work. :joy:
We’re gonna be here for a while.

Well dang! :slightly_frowning_face:
I don’t know what else to suggest :sweat_smile:
I’m gonna go fiddle with it :point_up:

Haha, ok. I’ll tell you if I find a solution.

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@YOU walks to spot # # # in zone 2 in 4 AND YOU does it while walk_neutral THEN YOU is run_fall AND YOU faces right THEN YOU is idle_fallen
this will be smoother and shouldn’t have any awkward idle pauses

keep your script as it is but put pause for 4 (instead of 3)

Either should work :slight_smile:

Thank you, it worked!:heart:

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I just figured it out :smile: a bit too late :wink:

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