Script Labelling Error?

label minigame

Speech goes here.

goto sage
goto conan
goto endminigame​

label sage

##Sage route/minigame here.
You could also add a choice here where it either takes them back to the beginning using “goto minigame” and “goto endminigame”.

label conan

##Conan route/minigame here.
You could also add a choice here where it either takes them back to the beginning using “goto minigame” and “goto endminigame”.

label endminigame

Story continues here.

If this doesn’t work, I recommend checking out: HOW TO: Tappable choices - Creator’s Corner / Directing Help & Tips - Episode Forums (
Tara explains: Ifs, elses, gains, labels, gotos and the points system! - Creator’s Corner / Directing Help & Tips - Episode Forums (
Goto’s, Labels, and Closing Brackets { } – Episode (
Tappable Overlays | Dara Amarie (