Script to make choice for lipstick and hair

Hi guys so I think that there’s someone who don’t know how to make your reader choose his lipstick and hair so this is a script and Heather is the character and you will change into your character and also your can change your hairstyle and lipstick !

goto lipstick
goto hair
“I’m done!”{

@HEATHER is primp_condescend
goto end

label lipstick

“Orange crush”{

@HEATHER changes mouthColor into Orange Crush
goto lipstick

@HEATHER changes mouthColor into Sky Blue
goto lipstick

@HEATHER changes mouthColor into Raspberry
goto lipstick
“This looks good”{
goto makeup
label hair


@HEATHER changes hair into Straight
goto hair

@HEATHER changes hair into Diva Curls
goto hair
“Long feathered”{

@HEATHER changes hair into Long Feathered
goto hair
“This looks good”{
goto makeup

label end
@pause for a beat

Hey again you can change your lipstick for ex in ruby red so you put
@CHARACTER changes mouthcolor into Ruby Red

thank you!

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