Scripting/directing help

Hey so I don’t know if this is possible or not but I want one of my characters to be yelling out to the other one as they walk away.
So when Anne is walking off I want Noah to call out to her at the same time.
If you could help me out that would be amazing

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So you mean at the same time as Noah walks he should talk?

when Anne walks off I want Noah to call out to her

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By using & instead of @, you can combine lines of code so that they occur at the same time (The line using & must be above whatever line you are joining it with.)

Example: (ignore the “.” following the @ symbol)

&ANNE walks to spot [scale, x, y] in zone #
@.NOAH is callout_neutral

OR… (what I think you’re looking for)

&ANNE walks to spot [Scale, x, y] in zone #

NOAH (callout_neutral)
Dialogue Here.

I hope this helps


awesome, thank you so much for your help.

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