Seasons Artistry; Closed

Welcome to Seasons Artistry! Find the section you are after and continue on your way to requesting or joining! In order to request you must read the rules!

  1. Never credit our art as your own! This is work we have done respect that.
  2. Make sure you follow all rules your set up artist may have including giving credit if they wish so.
  3. This is an art thread not a thread for discussions make sure to stay on topic.
  4. Do not harass anyone. By anyone this means both artists and other people requesting.
  5. This is our art thread do not advertise your own on here.
  6. Do not rush your artist. Quality is better than speed!
  7. If you are requesting an art review do not complain about the review once finished. Do not be rude or hasty based on the criticism you may receive.
  8. Do not request if you will not use it!

We do many requests! We do art reviews, profile pictures, Splashes, and whatever else any future artists may bring to the table.

Art Reviews

Art Reviews will consist of nine things to improve and one best part of your art. This is for constructive criticism and is all opinionated if you can not handle that do not request a review. In order to get an art review all you need is to ask for an art review with your art.

Waiting List:

Profile Pictures

For a profile picture request you must fill out the form.
What style is your character (Example being INK):
What are your characters details (if limelight choose an INK style nose):
What pose would you like your character in (picture or description or pose):
What Artist would you like:

That is all for the form now on to Examples.

by @Amealia
by @ShortneyShadow
by @Cookies1
by @paigebarr

Waiting List:


For a splash you must fill out the form.
What would you like it to say:
How many characters would you like on it:
What artist would you like:
Because Splashes may be hard at times you will get paired with an artist and they will talk to you more.


by @Amealia
37%20AM by @paigebarr

Waiting List:
@Mya.writes with @Amealia

Art scenes

What would you like the background to be like:
How many characters are in the scene:
What all is going on in the scene:
What artist would you like:
Because art scenes are very complicated you will be paired up with an artist and will get a private message from them and will be able to talk to them further on.


by @Amealia
by @ShortneyShadow
by @Cookies1
by @paigebarr

Waiting List:
@Amiraa with @Amealia


In order to get a cover (both large and small) please fill out the form.

What style is your story (ink for example):
What are you hoping for your cover to look like:
What artist would you like:

Because covers can be complicated at times you will get a private message from one of our artists asking for any needed information.


by @Amealia
51%20PM by @paigebarr

Waiting List:

Limb Overlays

In order to get a limb overlay please fill out the form.

Skin Tone:
Style (Ink, limelight, classic):
What this will be used for:
How much of the limb (hand, elbow or knee down, whole limb):
Shirt and bracelets:
Position of the limb:
Reference picture for the limb position (optional):


by @Amealia
by @Amealia

Waiting List:

Our current artists consist of @Amealia @Cookies1 @paigebarr and @ShortneyShadow

All you need to do in order to join the group is to list all of the things you will do (covers, Splashes etc) with your best example for each one.


I might join! :heart:

I just need a list of things you can do and one example for each.

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What would you like it to say: This story contains sound and music. Turn your volume up if you want.
How many characters would you like on it: 2

Do I send a list of details or pictures?

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May i join?
I can do literally everything :joy:
Although i only have examples of my art work since i have only really been requested to create covers and profile pictures/art for any other use. I can also do art reviews.

I can do ink, LL and classic too but i dont have many examples and theyre not on my phone :sweat_smile::joy:

My examples

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I love your work! I’ll add you in as an artist ASAP.

Thank you :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: okk :heart:

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I hope you like them❤️

These look stunning! I’ll add you as an artist right now.

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Thank you! :heart:

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I can do splashes

Profile Pictures

Art Scenes

Covers (Drawn or Edited)


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I’ll add you as an artist!

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I’d like to request :slight_smile:

What would you like the background to be like:


How many characters are in the scene: 3

What all is going on in the scene: A mom and her to kids are in something like a family photo at her twins birthday party.

What artist would you like:
Could @Spade.02 do it? If not anyone is fine.

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What style is your story:
What are you hoping for your cover to look like:
~ A girl and a boy hugging with a black background, and then the words Touch in the dark at the bottom of the drawing. I would also like the cover to be black and white.
What artist would you like:
@paigebarr if possible. If not, anyone else is fine.

Thank you :upside_down_face:


Could you send their character details :blush:

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This is what they look like:


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