Serious zoom and spot directing issues


Is anyone else having trouble directing zooms (and now characters) on the app?

For example, if I try to use Focus to find the right coordinates, I’m suddenly taken to a completely different zone & unable to return to the right one.

Spot Directing
Linked to the zoom bug. After the above happens, my characters’ positions start showing up as “-“ even though they’re in the right zone.

Yes, I’ve filed a ticket. Two, in fact :smile: and I’ve been waiting for a response for a while now.
It’s impossible to direct anything with this bug. And Web Previewer makes my Mac overheat so that’s a no.

Gosh there have been so many issues this year & I’m on the verge of just discontinuing my stories.

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At least your app is opening my app even isn’t opening since I updated it…:sob::sob:

Oh dear, what phone have you got?

Its Vivo…

Have you or anyone ever heard of it??

Not until now - looks cool!
Apparently a lot of the recent updates are for iPhone 8. Whatever that means :neutral_face:

Everything is for iPhones :roll_eyes::roll_eyes: