Set hsl error Fix it or??

Do you have it too? I just copy and it says error

Just remove the <menuitem | tag = -1>

@Ryder14 @Lio But after that, she will still need to add the name of the blendmode… otherwise there’ll still be an issue.

how to to that?

to open a ticket that they will know?

Blend modes are either: ADD, MULTIPLY, OVERLAY or NORMAL, but you need to figure out which one you need for the filter that you’re using.

For example, if you need: “Add” it’d be:

@set hsl 0 0 -100 no_colorize with blendmode ADD to 39%

If you’re still confused, then let me know which filter you’re using… then I’ll be able to tell you which blendmode you need.

Wouldn’t hers be overlay?
For example here’s mine from my story

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It could be either of the four that I mentioned, but I’m not sure which filter effect she chose.

Aha okay I see now


Or you can find out yourself by going back onto the portal… and on the preview screen you need to click the “hsl filters” button.
[You can see where it’s located as it’s shown on the screenshot that you posted above]
After clicking it, a button called “blend” will appear at the lower right hand side. The title of the blend will be named below it.

thank you it was MULTIPLY.
and you know why it changed?

You’re welcome. :blush:

And I have no idea why it does that, but for some reason it always does. But it only happens when people use the filter menu via the app or the preview menu… rather than using the filter picker from the drop down in the portal.

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Thanks for working through this HSL issue together as a team!

We wanted to follow up and let you know that we’ve released a fix for the Filters tool so that it will include the proper blendMode instead of the erroneous <MenuItem | tag = -1> output.

Do let us know if it’s still not working. Thanks!

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Yes, thanks it works. :raised_hands:
Thank you for paying attention to what we are asking for and there are a few more things that are needed that many will like, I suppose

  1. Delete a story
  2. You can rotate an overlay and then it gives data and just copy and paste
  3. to continue reading without getting out of a speech bubble every second
  4. to allow the camera to move freely without zones, sometimes you need exactly between zone 2 and 3 was some kind of glitch like this have been good
  5. Code that any object will turn into a prop that will go with the character
    and 6. go up with music sound
  6. That’s it for now, but what do you mind uploading clothes that you’ve already designed in ink :upside_down_face:, it’s a rougher design than daylight, so there are those who like it more, thank you :orange_heart:
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and the faces don’t automat comp and the copy name doesn’t work for a full name when it a long name