Share why 2018 Sucked for You

break ups suckkk /: are you still in high school??


omg im gonna cry :weary: girl i was the same for the longest. this was the first year that I didn’t really straighten my hair! I hated my curly hair for the longest and now i finally love it! that’s such a good and inspiring story hun!


Girl I relate about 2018 being the worst year. I might retain or not, depending on how well I did my exam to determine whether I pass or not. Rn academically I’m struggling because this year is a huge jump for me. I just finished those tests today, hoping for the best. I hope your life will get better too. You deserve that honestly, I think it’s just life that has up and downs. But proud of you for remaining strong babe :heart:


I graduated from high school and lost a few friends because they moved away. I spent a lot of evenings alone at home crying because I was sure all my friends will find someone better than me. I think I was just scared because I hate changes and starting to university is a big change. Then I realized that I still have a crush on the same guy although he knows about it and told me he only likes me as a friend. I got so freaked out by reality that I started writing an episode story where I don’t feel the pressure of havingthe to be strong. Now I’m here, I still have my best friend and a boy who florts with me although he says he doesn’t like me. I get sad easily and nobody knows what’s on my mind, my Mum doesn’t even try to understand. My family calls me a disappointment and I know people at university talk behind my back. But 2019 won’t get any better, because I’m still the same person in the same world. There wasn’t a good year since my father died.


This year was really great for me as well as I was bad. I made great friends and am so proud of some of the things I have achieved. Though I have been going through a lot lately. I am confused just in general and questioning a lot of things. I have a tendency to overthink things meaning I have cried a lot this year but am starting to accept things and try not to worry. I have been feeling better lately but I guess I don’t know anyway… this year has been both great and horrible.

Hm it would be great to talk about it and other stuff to someone if anyone wants to pm me

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • People dying
  • My relationship with my mom
  • Everyone hates me
  • Suicide attempts
  • My 15th birthday itself
  • Fake people
  • Politics
  • This website.

People on the internet. :woozy_face:


Yup, that too.

  • People dying

  • **stupid people fighting over stupid item **

  • **depression **

  • **thinking about what are you gonna do in your life which u have no clue **

  • **politics **

  • life is just cray cray

  • chaos world we live in




Youtube rewind sucked


So true!

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2018 was basically me being so depressed that I stopped doing my school work (I piled way too much on to myself. We love an overachiever :unamused:) to the point that I got kicked out of school and have a GPA of 1.27. So now I have to scramble to get back into school, not ruin the rest of the year, and hopefully get into community college so I can transfer.

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It really did.

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I wouldn’t say 2018 sucked for me, but I will say that I didn’t get to accomplish all my dreams like I wanted to. Fortunately, I am going to college in the fall of 2019, and I’ll have time for myself. I wasn’t able to start my Youtube channel this year, and that really sucked.


Around september 2017 ,My father came back in my life then left me AGAIN after a month , but I guess he was forced to as I saw how he went through life for all those years without me … I’m not gonna explain in detail but I told him to move on… My mother wasn’t ever gonna accept him back and Soooo… I guess he took my advice :neutral_face: but throughout 2018 I’ve been struggling without him again … It like , takes me a year to get used to life without him , well… That’s how long it took the first time :unamused: . So , yeah… 2018 has been a really crappy year and I’m so glad it’s over in just a few weeks :heartpulse::heart::heartpulse:


Oh my god yes !! They all seem to be on my list …


Depression was there for me 7 years ago and still has my back …



I honestly can’t remember anything from this year, it’s very weird.

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This year sucked. My parents got blacklisted by SS