Should EPISODE be 15+ instead?

Like I said, the simple warnings don’t seem to be very effective and they don’t seem to change whether a story is reported/taken down or not.

People are still going to lie about their age and report your stories.

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So EPISODE should just be 15+ instead? It might ward younger kids away if it’s significantly higher than their age group.


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I’m just against this because I’m 14 tbh

sounds good … agree … but like I said before kids will go there becuase they will want to play games grown ups do …

Well, if we think about the bigger picture here, one or two teenagers who are mature (like I assume you are) doesn’t account for the many, many who are immature. When I was younger, I was also against EPISODE being open for younger audiences.



I do think that the 15+ section or 18+ section idea would be cool! In that specific section there could be more lenient rules and guidelines.


But like you also said, kids will lie about their age just to get into these stories. I do personally want the sections to be part of EPISODE so, hopefully, children/just becoming teenagers will stay away from them.


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It’s their fault if they go in it though, it’s no longer the authors fault because they did everything they could.

I’m not saying it’s the author’s fault, I’m just saying, that if we take the interest of both readers AND writers of EPISODE, 15+ would be better. Because children are getting into EPISODE, even when they’re not suppose to be. I would never blame a writer for writing a story/book/whatever, because it’s theirs, even if I complain about it, it’s still theirs. It does fall onto the reader’s fault yes, I agree with you on that, and all I want to do is offer suggestions as to help lessen the burden on writer’s shoulders. 'Cause it is seriously annoying not being able to write a good story without EPISODE breathing down your neck about being ‘kid-friendly’ and all that.


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Although if your story is in the 15+ section, it will not be breaking any of the terms, so it would be silly to report.

Exactly my point! (sorry if it was unclear)

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Well, technically it still could. Excessive violence and excessive swearing will always be not allowed, especially if it’s 15+. Maybe we can also have an 18+ section if we really want to let loose. But like I said, there will always still be rules put in place for EPISODE, no matter how much it changes. Just because it has a 15+ section, it doesn’t mean that all the burden is suddenly lifted. Just give us a little breathing room.


Of course that’s true! Although, it is our responsibility as writers to make sure we read, understand and follow the rules.

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Yes, my point exactly. But like I said before, maybe we can have a 18+ section as well if we really wanted to. But for stuff in the 15+ section will still, like I said, have rules to follow, they just won’t be as strict as the 13+ section. But then that’s where the problems arise. You see, if everyone finds out that the 15+ section has lesser rules, all stories will be transferred and made in that section, and even if there is a section for 13+, it’ll be almost bare. Because what sounds better? Having lesser rules and more mobility/flexibility for writing your stories, or have extremely strict rules but be allowed for your story to be able to be viewed to everyone?

The first sounds a little better to me,

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I’m sure that there would still be many writers who would love to post stories which would appeal to all ages! After all, it would give them more readers and their stories may not need to be in this higher category. I would definitely write stories for both sections if it became available!

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I don’t think you understand. Writers need breathing room to be able to write. They can’t be constantly constricted by rules and guidelines to the point where they can’t make a decent story anymore. To be honest, I love writing for younger audiences, really, I do. But if I had to choose between the options of “meh story but all ages” and “awesome story but 15+” I’d probably go for 15+. And I’m sure all writers would prefer a better story over the option of a badder kiddy one.


I don’t think a story that would appeal to 13+ people has to be “worse” or more “kiddy”. I also don’t think it necessarily needs to have a higher rating or even that the community rules for stories are restrictive or stop people from writing good stories.

I mean, if you consider stories for younger people to be “bad” or worse than those aimed for more mature audiences, you could fall into the trap of adding in unnecessary scenes. We don’t always need the extra swearing or sexual references. Sometimes it makes stories that are otherwise really good seem bad.

Yes, sometimes it can be important for us as writers to be free of community guidelines and constraints, but not swearing or adding graphic sex scenes in your story doesn’t always mean a lack of breathing space. It completely depends on the author and the story!

For example, swearing and sexual references wouldn’t have made Harry Potter any better than it is at the moment. In fact, it may have made it worse!


No, I agree with you on that. But I don’t mean swearing and sexual references, I actually get turned off stories that use that type of stuff. I’m not trying to start an argument, but what I mean by ‘badder’ is the story line itself. See, all of EPISODES stories right now, it’s featured ones I’m referring to, are basically all ‘oh some boy fell in love with me!’ type of (what I personally consider) garbage. And the reason why I call it that, is not because the way they produce it is rubbish, but the story line is where it gets all muddled up. Some stories, like the newest Cupid one in particular, I actually like, but it’s because of it’s story line, it’s got a good one. But that’s the only one I can see that’s actually… good? I guess is the word? The others have interesting concepts, but because of the 13+ rule, they can’t portray it to it’s fullest potential, and that what makes me a little upset at the whole 13+ rule.

And I’m not saying that sexual references or swearing make a story better, I also agree with you that they make them worse, but like I said, I’m talking about the story itself. So whenever I say ‘bad’ or ‘kiddy’ it doesn’t mean it as an insult or anything bad to the writers or their stories, I’m just disappointed at EPISODE that because of the rule, they can’t be brought to their fullest potential. And ‘kiddy’ is just me referring to, yet again, the storyline. And how much they dull down the best parts for younger kids. You, as a writer, should NEVER feel the need to dull down your ideas for some silly little rule. As long as it’s within SOME guidelines, you can write whatever you want.

And by the way, even that Cupid story that I liked could score itself a 15+ itself anyway.



I actually disagree with that. I also dislike the fact that all the stories seem to be about the same thing and I’m not a big fan of a lot of the featured stories. However, I don’t think that it’s because of the age range. There are loads of ways that a good writer can tackle hard issues and still remain within the 13+ category. Some of the member stories are excellent and remain within the guidelines.

I think the problem is that featured stories reflect what is popular on the app, which is a sad truth about what young people (over 15 even) consider to be popular. I think that often, when someone can tackle difficult issues and remain appealing to all ages, that’s a mark of an excellent story. Difficult topics don’t always mean exclusively for mature audiences. It’s all about how well you deal with it and how sensitive you are.