Skip-The-Wait Available to All Authors

Over the past 5 or so months, I have paid attention to the various changes made that appears to give authors more opportunities to place gem :gem: options in the stories. The skip the wait option is yet another method of insuring that some form of money is spent by the readers within both new and apparently old stories that once upon a time did not originally have any stipulations placed on reading the community stories other than having to wait for more tickets to load. Based on what I have observed
 reading community stories completely free is becoming more and more a thing of the past. To be completely honest
 it has been several months since I have even attempted to read a story. Yes, there are still stories that one can read completely free, but maintaining interest when running into the skip the wait option or pay gems :gem: in order to continue has diminished my desire to continue reading most of the stories I used to read.


Is this new feature just basically another cheap way of getting readers to spent their money on gems just to read a story?


It appears that the option “skip the wait” means you spend gems :gem: to continue reading on to the next chapter without having to wait to read the next chapter ( there is the free option to just wait to read the next chapter, but the wait time I believe is anywhere from a day to a week or so. Previously, if the writer has released a specific number of chapters, you could read them based on how many tickets you have and just read the story until the last published chapter that is available has been read. But now, this new option makes you wait to read further or pay to continue reading the story regardless of whether you have tickets available to read an episode. )


Early access I understand. An author can kinda schedule their content with it, making a whole 20 or so episodes when they have time and then just putting early access on them so they come out weekly, and it makes them a little extra money if people are impatient for their story.

Skip the wait, though? It sounds like it’s the opposite of how people read Episode


Well that’s lousy


I’m so irritated by this new update! It’s horrible. I have to wait 4 hours to read 2 chapters. I hope episode removes this.


As an author trying to trend, I do actually use this on my completed stories.
I mean, I don’t particularly like it, but still

I only ever set it at the 6 chapter skip the wait though, as I feel that 6 chapters is still a decent ‘binge-able’ amount, and honestly I don’t expect anyone to pay the 16 gems, because it’s extortionate.

I like to think of it as a good ‘nighttime read’. 6 chapters before bed, then sleep off most of the wait time, by the time it’s morning the next 6 chapters are almost ready to binge again!

the other options for me just aren’t great in terms of binge reading or the constant need to pay gems.

The one thing I really do wish, is that author’s had control over the gem prices of the wait times.

Just like we do with gem prices in our story choices.

So it would be author discretion not only whether or not they choose to add the skip-the-wait, but also how much they charge for it.

Either way, I know that from a reader perspective, it sucks :confounded:


i think this is the only way to use this feature properly


At this point, @Episode. @Melani3 . @whatever else mod and owner,
you’re making your app go to shit. And that’s on period.
What you’re going to achieve is less people using your app since everything costs gems, because you certainly won’t force anyone to pay that many gems and that much money, or a very small amount of people.
I remember in 2013-2014, when I started on Episode, I loved it because it never asked for money or a reasonable amount (reasonable amount is both money and gem-wise. Not a ton of gems required inside the app, that cost a “small” amount of money, because then you’ll end up having to purchase a lot anyway). Now, you’re turning into an app just like any other on the Playstore.


I’m reading stories without skip the wait


That is awesome :clap:t5:!!! I think I have a couple of stories that do not have skip the wait options. But to be honest, I have lost a considerable amount interest in Episode as a whole!


what the hell


Yeah I don’t blame you. Thank you to all author’s who are not implementing this feature.

In general, if you care about the reads and not what your writing, your doing it for the wrong reason!





Totally agree


:100: Only read stories that don’t have this feature.



I think Episode could have come up with a better way.


Super annoying, For instance, we get 4 tickets at a time and the author let’s you get 3 chapters of reading before having to wait 12 hours again. This is the worst feature and honestly since this was put in, i use the app much less now. Nice way to get rid of your users Episode. You will see the drop in downloads and reads due to this. Its honestly greedy.


Bad businessing 101


This!! bc i hate wasting passes skipping through episode originals just to get 4 diamonds