Small cover is approved, large isn't. They have the same image

Hi everyone!

Today I received a message from Episode rejecting my large cover and approving my small one. However both of them use the same image (one on black background, the other white). I’m kind of lost to be honest. The large cover was rejected due to “firearms”. I know we aren’t allowed guns, but I did tried my best to make them not resemble as such (it’s a futuristic technology that isn’t actually a firearm in any way but has some resemblance) and thought that I would give it a shot and if it doesn’t get approved I’ll change the cover, but this situation was not really expected. I don’t really know what I should do… Has anyone every encountered anything like this?

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Can we see how yr large cover looks. and if it doesn’t have firearms, send a ticket to the team to let them know what it is.

Here are both the small and large covers.
I know it’s a bit silly that I’m asking this question I was just expecting either a 100% rejection or a 100% approval and don’t know what made the difference between the 2…


Okay, send a support ticket to the team and let them know that the blue thing they have in their hand are not firearms, I mean it looks futuristic, or like a sci-fi, I guess.

I love your covers!

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Thanks for the advice! I’ll do that. If not, I’ll just have to adapt the covers a bit. Luckily, I have the time, since I’m only in the middle of coding my second episode. Thank goodness I did this in advance haha

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Thank you! :blob_hearts: