So episode has body types now

So I read an episode official story and they have body types and there’s 2 choices it says option 1 or 2 and the second option is a really thick chubby body type for a female and I love this But can community writers use this too and is so can someone recommend some stories that let you have this body type​:arrow_down::arrow_down::arrow_down:


This body type (and others) are available for community authors to use :)

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I wonder if they have really thin types too


nope they dont have any body thinner than female generic unfortunately. i’m hoping they’ll add that sometime in the future. for males though, they do have a thin body.


we had the plush size for some time, and we got a few others last week

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The Plus Size body has been released for a month now! Some other body types were released a couple of weeks ago


Would you happen to know some authors who give the option in their stories for different body types

The Ten by @TalGordin

Disintegration by @shaharPie

Getting out there by Ezz

There’s probably more but I’m not really sure. It seems that when you code it into the CC it’s still kind of glitchy so authors are avoiding adding it till Episode fixes it :grimacing: