So, this is hard work

I just delete what I don’t like. I sometimes regret that.

For me, it’s easier for me to write pen on paper than typing. When I try to just type out an idea, I get writers block. lol weird, huh? but I can start an idea on paper and write for hours.

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I get writers block a lot but it goes away while I’m listening to certain music.

Hey I released my first story a couple months ago. I never got around to releasing one before that even though I have been doing episode for years (rip). Once you release yours I would love to read it!

Story Title: Inner Circle

Author: zapcatini

Instagram: @zapcatini.episode

Genre: DRAMA, romance

Style: Limelight

Episodes: 4 right now, more coming soon!


The lives & lies of rich and famous college students aren’t as glamorous as they appear. Are you ready for the world of scandals, money, and class, where rules don’t exist? CC LGBT


If you ever want feedback, I’m a stay-at-home-mom…I’ve got the time… my son is 4mo old and likes to sleep lol

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Sweet! I’m going to read your story tonight after E falls asleep :upside_down_face:
I’m a long way from releasing anything. When I do, I’ll put the title on here :slight_smile:

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My original idea is on paper but I decided that it wasn’t going so well after a couple weeks of writing and rewriting so i scrapped it and started to use a google docs lol. It worked a lot better.

I guess I’m a weird one, lol. Screens cause writers block for me. Idk why, but I’ll have a scene idea open my laptop and its like my creativity runs away at the sight of technology lmao

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For real. When you first get started, you’re figuring it out and then you get a little more polished and you’re like, okay, this is okay, now. I don’t mind showing this to the world.

And then what’ll happen is you will keep writing in that story or others, and you’ll get better at coding as you’re going, and then you’ll see your older/first chapters and you’ll cringe BAD, like…I thought this was acceptable?? And then your newer work and chapters are like pssh…this is pretty good. THIS is something to be proud of.

LOL. But the work from your first chapters at TIME of publishing were good! So…you should still be proud of your work even if it isn’t going to be the best thing you ever do. <3 <3 <3

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I dig the picture! And you’re right. I’ve seen so many stories where the begininning is their avatar telling you that they’ve gone back and edited or “it gets better, I promise!” lol

I’m at the throws laptop and screams fcking ERROR MESSAGE!!* part of the process. LOL I’m getting better. The first scene I wrote had so many error messages! lol I’m on scene 3. I’ve re-wrote like half of the scenes I have so far. The only thing that really sucks is that they don’t have more rear facing behaviors… like I want my guy facing with his back to the camera talking to MC and reacting with the “confused_mindblown” behavior, but you can’t do that rear-facing! so I have to settle for what they’ve got. LOL maybe one day…

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Hmmmm…well, you could have a mirror behind the female character and a duplicate of HIS character doing the animation so you could see him do it,


You can switch the camera back and forth so that he’s over the shoulder and then she’s over the shoulder. You can do it like, switch the zooms back and forth from one zoom to another and also another zone so that the backgrounds are different.

&cut to zone 1
&zoom command
&CHAR1 spot 1 180 -30
&CHAR2 spot 1 120 -30
&CHAR2 starts rear

CHAR1 (animation)

&cut to zone 3
&different zoom
&CHAR2 spot 1 120 -30
&CHAR2 faces right
&CHAR1 spot 1 180 -30
&CHAR1 faces right
&CHAR1 starts rear

CHAR2 (animation)

Know what I mean? ^^

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I never thought of that. lol Thanks!

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Sure thing! You can PM me if you want and I’ll help you out some with other things or whatever ^^’

I learned mostly through trial and error X’D so…I just messed with this stuff a lot and found what worked for me >.>

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I’m not sure how PMs work.(I’m a newb lol) like on insta or does this site have private messaging? And if you ever want some feedback on a story or whatever, I’m a sahm so I’ve got the time. =)

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Moved to Episode Fan Community. Make sure to check out our Forum Tutorial for more info about where to correctly create topics, and feel to PM me if there are any questions. :wink:


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I like it! =)

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