Some script problem

Ok so i’m writing a story and Whenever i type somebody elses name after the one whos speaking it says “you can’t have another character immediately after another”
for example

CLEO (screams)

it says that there’s an error?? This is bugging me someone please help lol

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“Screams” isn’t an animation

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That and you have no period or exclamation point at the end of the sentence.


I meant scream aha , it says scream in the script

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I’m confused…

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Sorry if that wasn’t clear :joy: I’m tired (it’s like 4am) Basically the end of the sentence is open so its not read as a sentence in the code.

“Wesleyyyy” should be “Wesleyyyy!”

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Oh, I thought you were talking about my sentence :joy:

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:joy: I confuse six people daily.

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