Someone please help with this zooming problem!

For some reason when I pan from zone 3 to zone 1, it’s stopping in zone 2. I cannot figure out how to make it follow Katherine, Seattle, and Conner all the way to zone 1! Please help! Even when I add the zoom spot at the end, it stops in zone 2 and then jumps to that zone that I need it to follow to instead of jump…


&cut to zone 3
&MRSPRIOR spot 0.269 98 433 in zone 1 AND MRSPRIOR faces right AND KATHERINE spot 0.263 396 433 in zone 3 AND CONNER spot 0.269 344 439 in zone 3 AND SEATTLE spot 0.281 363 423 in zone 3 AND SEATTLE moves to layer 1 AND CONNER moves to layer 0 AND KATHERINE moves to layer 0
&zoom on 960 304 to 205% in 0
@transition fade in

@CONNER walks to spot 0.269 204 432 in 2 AND SEATTLE walks to spot 0.281 223 423 in 2 AND KATHERINE walks to spot 0.263 242 433 in 2

Conner spots her mother across the gym waiting for them.

&zoom on 123 304 to 205% in 0
@cut to zone 1

@MRSPRIOR is talk_greet_neutral

&zoom on 960 304 to 205% in 0
@cut to zone 3

@pause for a beat

@CONNER is talk_greet_neutral

&CONNER walks to spot 0.269 130 432 in zone 1 in 6 AND SEATTLE walks to spot 0.281 149 423 in zone 1 in 6 AND KATHERINE walks to spot 0.263 167 433 in zone 1 in 6
@pan to zone 1 in 3

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Because you’re zoomed in on zone 3. If your panning to zone 1, you need to also zoom into a spot in zone 1.

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Like I said above, I tried that. I put in the zoom spot for zone 1 and it still stops in zone 2 and then jumps to zone 1. It doesn’t pan all the way across.


&cut to zone 3
&MRSPRIOR spot 0.269 98 433 in zone 1 AND MRSPRIOR faces right AND KATHERINE spot 0.263 396 433 in zone 3 AND CONNER spot 0.269 344 439 in zone 3 AND SEATTLE spot 0.281 363 423 in zone 3 AND SEATTLE moves to layer 1 AND CONNER moves to layer 0 AND KATHERINE moves to layer 0
&zoom on 960 304 to 205% in 0
@transition fade in

@CONNER walks to spot 0.269 204 432 in 2 AND SEATTLE walks to spot 0.281 223 423 in 2 AND KATHERINE walks to spot 0.263 242 433 in 2

Conner spots her mother across the gym waiting for them.

&zoom on 123 304 to 205% in 0
@cut to zone 1

@MRSPRIOR is talk_greet_neutral

&zoom on 960 304 to 205% in 0
@cut to zone 3

@pause for a beat

@CONNER is talk_greet_neutral

&CONNER walks to spot 0.269 130 432 in zone 1 in 6 AND SEATTLE walks to spot 0.281 149 423 in zone 1 in 6 AND KATHERINE walks to spot 0.263 167 433 in zone 1 in 6
&pan to zone 1 in 3
@zoom on 123 304 to 205% in 0

This was my other script.

&pan to zone 1 in 3 and zoom on 123 304 to 205% in 3

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And I tried…


&cut to zone 3
&MRSPRIOR spot 0.269 98 433 in zone 1 AND MRSPRIOR faces right AND KATHERINE spot 0.263 396 433 in zone 3 AND CONNER spot 0.269 344 439 in zone 3 AND SEATTLE spot 0.281 363 423 in zone 3 AND SEATTLE moves to layer 1 AND CONNER moves to layer 0 AND KATHERINE moves to layer 0
&zoom on 960 304 to 205% in 0
@transition fade in

@CONNER walks to spot 0.269 204 432 in 2 AND SEATTLE walks to spot 0.281 223 423 in 2 AND KATHERINE walks to spot 0.263 242 433 in 2

Conner spots her mother across the gym waiting for them.

&zoom on 123 304 to 205% in 0
@cut to zone 1

@MRSPRIOR is talk_greet_neutral

&zoom on 960 304 to 205% in 0
@cut to zone 3

@pause for a beat

@CONNER is talk_greet_neutral

&CONNER walks to spot 0.269 130 432 in zone 1 in 6 AND SEATTLE walks to spot 0.281 149 423 in zone 1 in 6 AND KATHERINE walks to spot 0.263 167 433 in zone 1 in 6
@pan to zone 1 in 3

@zoom on 123 304 to 205% in 0

That worked, thanks!

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