Sound doesn't seem to match with timing [Solved]

I changed it a couple times to get it to my liking but it didn’t seem to match the way I wanted it.
At first I had it as :

sound phone_ring
@pause for 4
&AUDY is idle_terrified_loop_rear then AUDY is deepbreath
&TYLER faces right and TYLER spot 1.001 90 147 in zone 1 and TYLER is idle_armscrossed_awkward_loop
sound off

But I didn’t like the deepbreath animation after previewing it, so I made some changes.
Can anyone help me or tell where to put the pause at to get it to match and play?

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Bump still need help :pleading_face:

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Hey! I think this might work:

@pause for a beat
sound phone_ring
&AUDY is idle_terrified_loop_rear
@ TYLER faces right AND TYLER spot 1.001 90 147 in zone 1 AND TYLER is idle_armscrossed_awkward_loop
@pause for 3
sound off

@AUDY starts listen_phone_confused

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Thank you I’ll try it out later or sometime when I’m free. I’ll let you know if it works or not :relaxed:

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Okay that definitely worked, thank you so much :blob_hearts:

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Glad i could help :slight_smile:

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